Courtney Moffet-Bateau

Courtney Moffet-Bateau

Visiting Researcher

5057 Woodward, Suite 11207.3

Curriculum vitae



African American Studies

Courtney Moffet-Bateau

Courtney Moffett-Bateau’s (she/her) groundbreaking research meets at the intersection of literary studies, critical university studies, critical diversity studies, cultural studies and global Black studies. Among her publications are a chapter in the book, "Who Can Speak and Who Is Heard/Hurt? Facing Problems of ’Race,’ Racism and Ethnic Diversity in American Studies in Germany and Beyond," edited by Mahmoud Arghavan, et al (Columbia University Press/transcript publishing), and an article in the special issue of the journal Critical Ethnic Studies, “The Academy and What Can Be Done?”, edited by Ashon Crawley (University of Minnesota Press).

She is also the first former Diversity Liaison to the Fulbright Program in Europe where she worked and consulted with Fulbright Commissions in 23 countries. She is the recipient of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation doctoral scholarship “Begabtenförderung für ausländische Studierende” (Excellence Fellowship for International Students), the University of Duisburg-Essen’s 2015 award for innovative teaching, a Fulbright Grant (2008-09), and was in 2007 an urban fellow for the Pitzer College Center of California Cultural and Social Issues.

Research interest(s)/area of expertise

  • Black creative writing and Black diasporic reader reception aesthetics
  • Philosophies of race and theories of colorblindness and erasure
  • Cross-regional and (trans-)national stories of migration and legal social restriction
  • Black visual and literary strategies of survival that include discussions of spirituality, gender equality, laughter, music, (as critical modes of resistance, coping and struggle)


  • B.A. Pitzer College
  • M.A. Westfälische Wilhelms University of Münster, Münster, Germany
  • Ph.D. University of Bremen, Germany

Awards and grants

  • Doctoral scholarship “Begabtenförderung für ausländische Studierende” (Excellence Fellowship for International Students), funded by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (2016-22)
  • Recipient of the 2015 Award for Innovative University Teaching (“Preis für hochschuldidaktische Innovationen in der Lehrpraxis,” University of Duisburg-Essen) for the project “Now You See It, Now You Don't: Interdisciplinary Explorations of Race in a 'Postracial' America” together with Dietmar Meinel
  • Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship, Oberhausen, Germany (2008-09)
  • Urban Fellow, Center for California Cultural & Social Issues, La Verne, CA (2007)

Selected publications

  • Moffett-Bateau, Courtney. “Categorical Displacement: The White European-American Cultural War on Black Thought.” Special Issue “The University as a Theater of Culture Wars: Then and Now” in Minnesota Review. Ed. Florian Zappe. Durham: Duke UP (forthcoming spring 2024)
  • Moffett-Bateau, Courtney, and Sebastian Weier. “Post-Racism, Colorblind Individualism & Political Correctness: Contemporary Modes of Materialization in American Studies and German Academia.” Who Can Speak and Who Is Heard/Hurt? – Facing Problems of ’Race,’ Racism and Ethnic Diversity in American Studies in Germany and Beyond. Ed. Katharina Motyl, Mahmoud Arghavan, Nicole Hirschfelder, Luvena Kopp. Bielefeld: transcript, 2019
  • Moffett-Bateau, Courtney. “American Consensus and the Imaginative Power of Fiction” Special Issue What Can Be Done?” Critical Ethnic Studies. Ed. Ashon Crawley, with co-editors Eve Tuck & K. Wayne Yang. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2018.
  • Meinel, Dietmar and Moffett-Bateau, Courtney. “Now We Teach It, Now We Learn: Potentials and Pitfalls of a Research-Oriented Seminar.” Neu gedacht und neu gemacht: Lehrideen aus der Universität Duisburg-Essen. Ed. Zentrum für Hochschulbildung. Duisburg and Essen: University of Duisburg-Essen, 2015. 70-74
  • Moffett-Bateau, Courtney. “Conference Report: Afroeuropeans: Black Cultures and Identities in Europe / Culturas e Identidades Negras en Europa / Cultures et Identités Noires en Europe (Münster, 16-19 September 2015)”. Acolit: Bulletin of of GAPS – Gesellschaft für Anglophone Postkoloniale Studien. 29-31.

Courses taught by Courtney Moffet-Bateau

Winter Term 2025 (current)

Winter Term 2024

Fall Term 2023