Dylan A John
Doctoral Student in Social Psychology
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Department of Psychology
Dylan A John
Research interest(s)/area of expertise
My research interests broadly focus around sexual violence. My previous studies have examined how drinking behavior or active intoxication can potentially influence bystander intervention to prevent sexual violence. Currently I am assisting Dr. Antonia Abbey on a grant examining how alcohol intoxication can influence sexual aggression.
- Bachelor of Science in Liberal Arts, Psychology
- Master of Science in Psychology
Selected publications
John, D. A., Hoxmeier, J. C., & Brown, A. L. (2022). The theory of planned behavior & bystander intention: Differences based on gender and heavy episodic drinking. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(23-24): NO23306-NP23329. https://doi.org/10.1177/08862605221078809