Mitchell Gallagher

Mitchell Gallagher

Ph.D. Candidate
Graduate Teaching Assistant

Faculty Administration Building, Room 2004

Social media


Political Science

Mitchell Gallagher

Born and raised in North Yorkshire, England, Mitchell has developed a diverse and accomplished profile. His proficiency in Mandarin stems from over six years of professional experience in China, where his contributions to education were honored with an honorary award from the Beijing College of Finance & Commerce. Prior to graduation, his commitment to supporting and developing first-year undergraduate students was recognized with a gold WoW certificate from Liverpool John Moores University. During his graduate studies at the University of Sheffield, he was distinguished with the Sheffield Graduate Award. Outside his academic pursuits, Mitchell harbors a keen interest in the works of George Orwell and Chinese calligraphy. An avid football fan, he still insists on the traditional British nomenclature, steadfastly referring to the sport as 'football' rather than 'soccer'.

Research interest(s)/area of expertise

  • Sino-U.S. Relations
  • China's Soft Power in the 21st Century
  • Taiwanese Statehood
  • Constructivism


Peer Review Contributions

Journal of Contemporary European Studies

Pacific Focus

 Conference Presentations

Gallagher, M. & Rakshit, D. (2024) Evolving Hegemonies: China’s Rise and its Impact on Democratic Structure. Presentation at the Western Political Science Association, Vancouver, Canada.

Gallagher, M. (2024) Democracy in China. Presentation at the Western Political Science Association, Vancouver, Canada.


  • Master of Arts - East Asian Studies (University of Sheffield)
  • Bachelor of Arts - Politics (Liverpool John Moores University)

Awards and grants

  • WoW Certificate - Liverpool John Moores University 

  • Sheffield Graduate Award

  • Beijing College of Finance and Commerce - Honourary Award

  • Thomas C. Rumble Fellow (2023-2024), Department of Political Science, Wayne State University

Selected publications

Gallagher, M. (2024). Polling to Vaccination Stations: Brexit’s influence on immunisation uptake. New Perspectives, 32(2), 162-180.

Gallagher, M. (2024). Tweet Wars: China's anti-US propaganda through political cartoons. Soft Power, 10(2), 81-109.

Gallagher, M. (2024). Democracy with Chinese Characteristics: Historical and Political Transformations. East Asian Policy, 16(2), 110-134.

Courses taught by Mitchell Gallagher

Fall Term 2024 (future)

Spring-Summer Term 2024

Spring-Summer Term 2023

Winter Term 2023

Fall Term 2022