Tricia Miranda-Hartsuff

Tricia Miranda-Hartsuff

Associate Professor of Public Health

Faculty Administration Building Room 3175

Curriculum vitae



Public Health

Tricia Miranda-Hartsuff

The daughter of former farmworkers and sharecroppers, Dr. Patricia Yvonne Miranda-Hartsuff is a health equity policy scholar with over 20 years of experience with community-based participatory methods and expertise in the measurement of population-based health disparities. She has underscored the importance of the intersectionality of gender, race, class and immigration in evaluating health disparities, and has added the critical assessment of the implementation of health in all policies and sociopolitical context to the discourse on health inequity and as a lens to examine important conditions that affect vulnerable populations.

Dr. Miranda joined Wayne State University in August 2020 as tenured associate professor of Public Health, and in 2023 became a member of the Karmanos Cancer Institute Population Studies and Disparities Research Program. Formerly, Dr. Miranda was tenured associate professor of Health Policy & Administration and Demography at Penn State (University Park, PA) and W. K. Kellogg Foundation Health Scholar at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center (Houston, TX), the top cancer center in the United States. She has been trained by the World Health Organization in the use of the "health in all policies" (HiAP) approach, and is a graduate of the inaugural 2015-2016 cohort for Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Leaders in Equitable Evaluation and Diversity (LEEAD) program, designed to produce doctoral-trained evaluators from diverse backgrounds who are committed to advancing equity and social justice for children and families. Dr. Miranda serves as an evaluator for the W. K. Kellogg Foundation Racial Equity Anchors and Alumni Portfolios, as well as an evaluator for the Cross Portfolio Trends project out of the Office of the President. She specializes in culturally responsive and equitable approaches to policy, systems and cost-inclusive evaluation (e.g. social return on investment, cost-effectiveness/cost-benefit).

Dr. Miranda is founder and director of Wayne State's Hub for Evaluation and Learning (HEAL) Detroit. HEAL Detroit believes that to reach transformational change, we must build professional competency in our communities. We should offer not just a mechanism for hearing previously silenced voices, but instruments for credentialing communities to define their own metrics, craft appropriately tailored interventions, design evaluation processes that are grounded and granular enough to detect change, and provide the development and grant-seeking support to sponsor their activities. The health of Detroiters has been marked by health disparities across racial and ethnic groups for decades. While the causes are complex, the role of systemic racism has finally been pulled out of the shadows. As communities work to recover from the pandemic, it’s our imperative to help them rebuild in an efficient, impact-focused manner. HEAL Detroit will serve as a nucleus for matching evidence-based solutions with community-engaged approaches to address social determinants of health through increasing community capacity and applied learning opportunities for Wayne State students and the larger community. By identifying and engaging community partners and the organizations that seek to serve them, HEAL Detroit will apply a systems change strategy to bring about structural, relational and transformative change using a racial equity lens – and ultimately, in so doing, shift power and resources back to local communities who have struggled with high rates of unemployment and widely disseminated opportunities for workforce development.

Additionally, Dr. Miranda serves as vice president and director of Uphold, a non-profit organization that enables non-profit and community-based organizations working in youth and community empowerment to recreate and implement measurable programs, and works with community organizations to improve program evaluation, impact assessment, and sustainability. She formerly served as the scientific program chair for the Latino Caucus of the American Public Health Association, where she administered annual requests for abstracts and scientific reviews for presentation.

Research interest(s)/area of expertise

  • Health Disparities
  • Culturally responsive and racially equitable evaluation (CRREE)
  • Health in All Policies (HiAP) approach


  • Ph.D., Health Behavior and Health Education, University of Michigan School of Public Health (Ann Arbor, MI), 2008
  • M.P.H., University of Michigan School of Public Health (Ann Arbor, MI), 2003
  • B.A., Sociology, Trinity University (San Antonio, TX), 2001

Awards and grants

Past 3 Years
  • Miranda, P. Y. (Principal Investigator). “Detroit in Context” CDC Foundation. Total award: $212,969. (Funded: March 2023 – April 2024).
  • Miranda, P. Y. (Co-Investigator). “Project REFOCUS Pilot Site” CDC Foundation. Total award: $327,035.50. (Funded: March 2022-June 2024 to operate as a Project REFOCUS Phase II Pilot Site Point of Contact.)
  • Miranda, P.Y. (Research Investigator), Accounting Aid Society (Community Collaborator). “EITC Non-Filers Engagement Strategies” AARP Foundation. Total awarded: $250,000. (Funded: December 15, 2021-December 31, 2022 to collaboration with Accounting Aid Society to investigate barriers and facilitators to Detroiters accessing the Earned Income Tax Credit.)


Selected publications

Health disparities and social determinants of health

  • Miranda, P. Y., Hudson, D., Reyes, A. M., Yao, N., Bleser, W., & Belue, R. (2017). Reports of self-rated health by citizenship and homeownership, 2000-2011. Preventive Medicine, 100. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2017.03.006
  • Viruell-Fuentes, E. A., Miranda, P. Y., & Abdulrahim, S. (2012). More than culture: Structural racism, intersectionality theory, and immigrant health. Social Science & Medicine, 75(12), 2099-2106. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 0277-9536
  • Miranda, P. Y., Tarraf, W., & Gonzalez, H. M. (2011). Breast cancer screening and ethnicity in the United States: Implications for health disparities research. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 128(2), 535-542. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 0167-6806
  • Miranda, P. Y., Schulz, A. J., Israel, B. A., & Gonzalez, H. M. (2011). Context of entry and number of depressive symptoms in an older Mexican-origin immigrant population. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 13(4), 706-712. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 1557-1912
  • Elewonibi, B., Thierry, A., & Miranda, P. Y. (2018). Examining Mammography Use by Breast Cancer Risk, Race, Nativity, and Socioeconomic Status. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 10.1007/s10903-016-0502-3
  • Wilkie, S., Bleser, W. K., Miranda, P. Y., & Belue, R. (2017). The role of depressive symptoms in mediating socioeconomic disparities in diabetes risk misperception. American Journal of Health Behavior, 41(3), 10. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 10.5993/AJHB.41.3.14.
  • Miranda, P. Y., Yao, N., Snipes, S. A., Belue, R., Lengerich, E. J., & Hillemeier, M. M. (2017). Citizenship, length of stay, and screening for breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer in women, 2000–2010. Cancer Causes and Control, 28(6), 10. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 10.1007/s10552-017-0887-x
  • Elewonibi, B., & Miranda, P. Y. (2017). Using mammograms to Predict Preventive Health Services Behavior and Mortality in Women. Preventive Medicine Reports(5). ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2016.10.012
  • Bleser, W., Young, S., & Miranda, P. Y. (2017). Disparities in Patient- and Family-Centered Care During U.S. Children's Healthcare Encounters: A Closer Examination. 17(1). PMID: PMC6333206. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 10.1016/j.acap.2016.06.008
  • Lapeyrouse, L. M., Miranda, P. Y., Morera, O., & Balcazar, H. (2016). Healthcare use and mammography among Latinas with and without health insurance in US-Mexico border counties. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 10.1007/s40615-016-0227-y
  • Reyes, A. M., & Miranda, P. Y. (2015). Trends in cancer screening by citizenship and health insurance, 2000-2010. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health / Center for Minority Public Health, 17(3), 644-51. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 1557-1912
  • Yao, N., Miranda, P. Y., & Bradley, C. J. (2014). Impact of the 2009 United States preventive services task force recommendations for breast cancer screening on utilization of mammography: A longitudinal data analysis. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 32(35). ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 10.1200/JCO.2014.58.0191
  • Belue, R., Miranda, P. Y., Elewonibi, B. R., & Hillemeier, M. M. (2014). The association of generation status and health insurance among US children. Pediatrics, 134(2), 307-314. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 0031-4005
  • Njai, R., Miranda, P. Y., Neighbors, H., & Caldwell, C. (2014). An evaluation of sociocultural stress and coping: Black American social identities as mediators for acceptance coping. Journal of Race and Policy, 10(1). http:// ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 15408450
  • Belue, R., Degboe, A. N., Miranda, P. Y., & Francis, L. A. (2012). Do medical homes reduce disparities in receipt of preventive services between children living in immigrant and non-immigrant families? Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 14(4), 617-625. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 1557-1912
  • Miranda, P. Y., Johnson-Jennings, M., Tarraf, W., Gonzalez, P., Vega, W. A., & Gonzalez, H. M. (2012). Using colorectal trends in the U.S. to identify unmet primary care needs of vulnerable populations. Preventive Medicine, 55(2), 131-136. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 0091-7435
  • Tarraf, W., Miranda, P. Y. & Gonzalez, H. M. (2012). Medical expenditures among immigrant and nonimmigrant groups in the United States findings from the medical expenditures panel survey (2000-2008). Medical Care, 50(3), 233-242. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 0025-7079
  • Haile, R. W., John, E. M., Levine, A. J., Cortessis, V. K., Unger, J. B., Gonzales, M., Ziv, E., Thompson, P., Spruijt-Metz, D., Tucker, K. L., Bernstein, J. L., Rohan, T. E., Ho, G. Y. F., Bondy, M. L., Martinez, M. E., Cook, L., Stern, M. C., Correa, M. C., Wright, J., Schwartz, S. J., Baezconde-Garbanati, L., Blinder, V., Miranda, P. Y., Hayes, R., Friedman-Jimenez, G., Monroe, K. R., Haiman, C. A., Henderson, B. E., Thomas, D. C., & Boffetta, P. (2012). A review of cancer in US Hispanic populations. Cancer Prevention Research, 5(2), 150-163. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 1940-6207
  • Miranda, P. Y., Tarraf, W., Gonzalez, P., Johnson-Jennings, M., & Gonzalez, H. M. (2012). Breast cancer screening trends in the United States and ethnicity. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, 21(2), 351-357. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 1055-9965
  • Miranda, P. Y., Wilkinson, A. V., Etzel, C. J., Zhou, R., Jones, L. A., Thompson, P., & Bondy, M. L. (2011). Policy implications of early onset breast cancer among Mexican-origin women. Cancer, 117(2), 390-397. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 0008-543X
  • Miranda, P. Y., King, D., Gor, B., Fuchs-Young, R., Chilton, J., Hajek, R., Snipes, S. A., Torres, I., Hernandez-Valero, M., & Jones, L. (2010). Addressing cancer health disparities using a global "biopsychosocial" approach. Cancer
  • Gonzalez, H. M., Tarraf, W., West, B. T., Chan, D., Miranda, P. Y., & Leong, F. T. (2010). Antidepressant use among Asians in the United States. Depression and Anxiety, 27(1), 46-55. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 1091-4269
  • Schulz, A. J., House, J. S., Israel, B. A., Mentz, G., Dvonch, J. T., Miranda, P. Y. Kannan, S., & Koch, M. (2008). Relational pathways between socioeconomic position and cardiovascular risk in a multiethnic urban sample: Complexities and their implications for improving health in economically disadvantaged populations. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 62(7), 638-646. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 0143-005X

Personal Protective Equipment Use & Farmworkers

  • Snipes, SA, Campbell, A, Miranda, PY. Provision of Work Clothing Reduces Disparities in Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Use among Hispanic Farmworkers. Health Behavior Research, 2019;2(1). doi: 10.4148/2572-1836.1031
  • Snipes, S. A., Smyth, J. M., Del Pilar, S., Murphy, D. J., Davis, L. A., & Miranda, P. Y. (2015). Provision Increases Reported PPE Use for Mexican Immigrant Farmworkers: An mHealth Pilot Study. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000000563
  • Snipes, S. A., Montiel Ishino, F., Smyth, J. M., Murphy, D. J., Miranda, P. Y., & Davis, L. A. (2015). User perceptions of ¡Protéjase!: An intervention designed to increase protective equipment use among Mexican immigrant farmworkers. Journal of Medical Internet Research mHealth and uHealth, 11(4(2)). ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 10.2196/mhealth.4455

Vaccine preparedness and intent

  • Bleser, W., Salmon, D. A., Miranda, P. Y. A hidden vulnerable population: young children up-to-date on vaccine series recommendations but not influenza vaccines. PLOS ONE. Published June 18, 2020.
  • Bleser, W., Miranda, P. Y., & Salmon, D. (2019) Child flu vaccination associated with reduced sick leave in adults with paid sick leave. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Feb 56(2):251-261. PMCID: PMC6333206, NIHMSID: NIHMS1517734. 10.1016/j.amepre.2018.09.013
  • Bleser, W., Elewonibi, R., Miranda, P. Y., & Belue, R. (2016). Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Influenza Vaccine Uptake in U.S. Children. Pediatrics. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 10.1542/peds.2008-1536

Global and public health

  • Belue, R., Ndiaye, K., Miranda, P. Y., & Ndao, F. (2017). Diabetes management in Senegalese families: A dyadic-narrative illustration. (2018). Chronic Illness, January(1). ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 10.1177/1742395317719141
  • Campbell, Angela G. & Miranda, P. Y. (2018) Breastfeeding Trends among Very Low Birth Weight, Low Birth Weight and Normal Birth Weight Infants. Journal of Pediatrics. Sep;200:71-78.
  • King, D. W., Duello, T. M., Miranda, P. Y., Hodges, K. P., Shelton, A. J., Chukelu, P., & Jones, L. A. (2010). Strategies for recruitment of healthy premenopausal women into the African American nutrition for life (A NULIFE) study. Journal of Women's Health, 19(5), 855-862. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 1540-9996

Evaluation and methods

  • Miranda-Hartsuff, P., TM Hilliard, H Walters, SA Snipes, E Reddock, E Chavez Santos, and P Elam. Chapter 2. Positionality, Reflexivity, and Strengthening the Process of Conducting Culturally Responsive Racially Equitable Evaluation (CRREE) as Practitioners of Color. In Culturally Responsive & Equitable Evaluation: Visons and Voices of Emerging Scholars. Eds. A. Christson Adedoyin, Niddiamaka N. Amutah-Onukagha, and Chandria Jones. 2023. ISBN: 978-1-7935-5864-0. 
  • Miranda, P. Y., Gonzalez, H. M., & Tarraf, W. (2011). Pathways between acculturation and health: Does the measure matter? Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 33(4), 524-539. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 0739-9863
  • Zenk, S. N., Schulz, A. J., Mentz, G., House, J. S., Gravlee, C. C., Miranda, P. Y., Miller, P. A., & Kannan, S. (2007). Inter-rater and test-retest reliability: Methods and results for the neighborhood observational checklist. Health & Place, 13(2), 452-465. ISBN/ISSN #/Case #/DOI #: 1353-8292


Courses taught by Tricia Miranda-Hartsuff

Winter Term 2025 (current)

Fall Term 2024

Winter Term 2024

Fall Term 2023

Winter Term 2023