Cheng Wang

Cheng Wang

Assistant Professor

(313)577-2930 (Main Sociology Office)

 2257 Faculty Administration Building

Curriculum vitae


Department of Sociology

Cheng Wang

Research interest(s)/area of expertise

  • Social Network Analysis
  • Computational Social Science
  • Stats & Methods


  • B.A. Economic Sociology, Nanjing University, 1998
  • M.A. Sociology, University of Notre Dame, 2009
  • PhD. Sociology, University of Notre Dame, 2012

Selected publications

Zhu, Meina, and Cheng Wang. 2024. "K-12 Computer Science Teaching Strategies, Challenges, and Teachers' Professional Development Opportunities and Needs." Computers in the Schools, 44(1): 1-22.

Zhu, Meina, and Cheng Wang. 2023. "Core Competencies of K-12 Computer Science Education from the Perspectives of College Faculties and K-12 Teachers." International Journal of Computer Science Education in Schools, 6(2), DOI: 10.21585/ijcses.v6i2.161.

Wang, Cheng, Carter T. Butts, John R. Hipp, and Cynthia M. Lakon. 2022. "The Moderating Role of Context: Relationships between Individual Behaviors and Social Networks." Sociological Focus, 55(2): 191-212.

Wang, Cheng, Carter T. Butts, John R. Hipp, and Cynthia M. Lakon. 2022. "Model Adequacy Checking/Goodness-of-fit Testing for Behavior in Joint Dynamic Network/Behavior Models, with an Extension to Two-mode Networks." Sociological Methods and Research, 51(4): 1886-1919.

Wang, Cheng, John R. Hipp, Carter T. Butts, and Cynthia M. Lakon. 2022. "Insight into Selecting Adolescents for Drinking Intervention Programs: A Simulation Based on Stochastic Actor-Oriented Models." Prevention Science, 23: 48-58.

Wang, Cheng, Omar Lizardo, and David S. Hachen. 2022. "A Longitudinal Study of Fitbit Usage Behavior among College Students." Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 25(3): 181-188.

Wang, Cheng, Omar Lizardo, and David S. Hachen. 2022. "Using Fitbit Data to Monitor the Heart Rate Evolution Patterns of College Students." Journal of American College Health, 70(3): 875-882.

Hachen, David S., Cheng Wang, Brandon Sepulvado, and Omar Lizardo. 2022. "Generators or Diffusers? Examining Differences in the Dynamic Coupling of Context and Social Ties Across Multiple Types of Foci." Social Networks, DOI: 10.1016/j.socnet.2022.02.004.

Sepulvado, Brandon, Michael L. Wood, Ethan Fridmanski, Cheng Wang, Matthew J. Chandler, Omar Lizardo, and David S. Hachen. 2022. "Predicting Homophily and Social Network Connectivity from Dyadic Behavioral Similarity Trajectory Clusters." Social Science Computer Review, 40(1): 195-211.

Wang, Cheng. 2021. "The Randomness and Robustness of Triadic, Tetradic, and Pentadic Evolution Patterns in a Large-Scale Mobile Phone Network." SN Computer Science, 2: 440.

Wang, Cheng, Stephen Mattingly, Jessica Payne, Omar Lizardo, and David S. Hachen. 2021. "The Impact of Social Networks on Sleep among a Cohort of College Students." Social Science & Medicine: Population Health, 16: 100937.

Wang, Cheng. 2021. "Smoking Prevalence, Core/Periphery Network Positions, and Peer Influence: Findings from Five Datasets on US Adolescents and Young Adults." PLoS ONE, 16(3): e0248990.

Wang, Cheng, Omar Lizardo, and David S. Hachen. 2021. "Using Big Data to Examine the Effect of Urbanism on Social Networks." Journal of Urban Affairs, 43(1): 40-56.

Jose, Rupa, John R. Hipp, Carter T. Butts, Cheng Wang, and Cynthia M. Lakon. 2021. "A Multi-Contextual Examination of Non-School Friendships and their Impact on Adolescent Deviance and Alcohol Use." PLoS ONE, 16(2): e0245837.

Wang, Cheng, Omar Lizardo, and David S. Hachen. 2021. "Using Fitbit Data to Examine Factors that Affect Daily Activity Levels of College Students." PLoS ONE, 16(1): e0244747.

Wang, Cheng, Omar Lizardo, and David S. Hachen. 2020. "Neither Influence nor Selection: Examining Co-Evolution of Political Orientation and Social Networks in the Netsense and Nethealth Studies." PLoS ONE, 15(5): e0233458.

Citation index

Courses taught by Cheng Wang

Winter Term 2025 (future)

Fall Term 2024

Winter Term 2024

Fall Term 2023

Winter Term 2023

Fall Term 2022

Winter Term 2022