Jeffrey Kentor

Jeffrey Kentor



FAB 2233

Curriculum vitae

Jeffrey Kentor

Research interest(s)/area of expertise

My research focuses on long term macro-level social change, from an international political economy perspective. My work explores the economic and military dynamics that shape relationships between countries, and how these processes impact economic development, income inequality, migration, health, and the environment.


  • Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University, Sociology
  • M.A. Antioch University, with Honors in Social Psychology
  • B.A. George Washington University, with Special Honors in Psychology

Awards and grants

  • 2010 World Society Focus Paper Award, World Society Foundation, Zurich, Switzerland
  • 2005 World Society Focus Paper Award, World Society Foundation, Zurich, Switzerland
  • 2003 Alpha Kappa Delta Teacher of the Year Award, University of Utah
  • 2003 Superior Research Award Finalist, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of Utah
  • 2002 Superior Teaching Award, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of Utah Funded Research
  • 2008 “The Emergence of New Global Cities.” Funded Research Proposal: Institute for Public and International Affairs, University of Utah. Principal Investigator. 2005 “Globalization and the System of World Cities.” Funded Research Proposal. The National Science Foundation. Co-PI.
  • 2004 “Impact of Globalization on the Changing Relationships Between Geographic and Economic Space: A Geographically Weighted Regression Analysis of Global Interlocking Corporate Directorates 1970-2000.” Funded Grant Proposal; University Research Council. University of Utah. Principal Investigator.
  • 2003 “The Revolving Door: An Examination of Serial Interlocks Between Government and Business 1970-2000.” Funded Grant Proposal. College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. University of Utah. Principal Investigator. 2002 “The Expansion and Consolidation of Transnational Corporations 1960-2000: A Network Analysis.” Funded Grant Proposal. College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. University of Utah. Principal Investigator.
  • 1999 “Shifting Patterns of Organizational Control in the World-Economy 1800-1990.” Funded Grant Proposal. World Society Foundation, Zurich, Switzerland. Principal Investigator.
  • 1999 “The Globalization of Capital: The Expansion and Concentration of Global Financial Networks 1950-1990.” Funded Grant Proposal. University Research Council. University of Utah. Principal Investigator.

Selected publications

Kentor, Jeffrey and Matthew Sanderson. 2014. “Foreign Investment, Political Corruption, and Internal Violence: A Structural Analysis, 1970-1995” in Immanuel Wallerstein, Christopher Chase-Dunn and Christian Suter (eds.)

Overcoming global Inequalities. Paradigm Press. Kentor, Jeffrey, Andrew Jorgenson and Edward Kick. 2012.

“The “new” military and income inequality: A cross national analysis.” Social Science Research. Kentor, Jeffrey, Eric Mielants and Peter Grimes. 2011.

“The Current Economic Crisis, the Longue Durée, and Regional Dominance” Christian Suter and Mark Herkenrath (eds.): World Society in the Global Economic Crisis (World Society Studies Volume 2011). Münster: Lit. Kentor, Jeffrey and Andrew Jorgenson. 2010.

“Foreign Investment and Development: An Organizational Perspective.” International Sociology: 25:419-441 Sanderson, Matthew and Jeffrey Kentor. 2009.

“Globalization, Development, and International Migration: A Cross-National Analysis of Less-Developed Countries, 1970-2000.” Social Forces 88:1. Kentor, Jeffrey and Edward Kick. 2008.

“Bringing the Military Back In: Military Expenditures and Economic Growth 1990-2003.” Journal of World Systems Research 14:2. Kentor, Jeffrey and Peter Grimes. 2006.

“Foreign Investment Dependence and the Environment: A Global Perspective”, in Edward Kick and Andrew Jorgenson, (eds.), Globalization and the Environment. Leiden and Boston: Brill. Kentor, Jeffrey.

“The Growth of Transnational Corporate Networks 1962-1998.” Journal of World Systems Research 11:2: 263- 286. Kentor, Jeffrey and Yong Suk Jang. 2004.

“Yes, There is a (Growing) International Business Community.” International Sociology: 19:3: 355-368. Kentor, Jeffrey and Terry Boswell. 2003.

Foreign Capital Dependence and Development: A New Direction.” American Sociological Review: 68: 2:301-313. Kentor, Jeffrey. 2001.

The Long Term Effects of Globalization on Population Growth, Inequality, and Economic Development.” Social Problems: 48, 4:435-456. Kentor, Jeffrey. 2000.

Capital and Coercion: The Role of Economic and Military Power in the World-Economy 1800-1990. New York: Routledge. Kentor, Jeffrey. 1998.

The Long Term Effects of Foreign Capital Penetration on Economic Growth 1940-1990.” American Journal of Sociology: 103:4:1024-1046.

Courses taught by Jeffrey Kentor

Winter Term 2025 (future)

Fall Term 2024

Winter Term 2024

Fall Term 2023

Winter Term 2023

Fall Term 2022