Shirin Montazer

Shirin Montazer

Associate Professor


313-577-2735 (fax)

 2270 F/AB, 656 W. Kirby St.

Curriculum vitae

Shirin Montazer

Research interest(s)/area of expertise

  • Sociology of Mental Health
  • Work-Family Conflict
  • International Migration
  • Quantitative Methodology


Shirin Montazer received her Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Toronto, Canada. Her research focus is at the juncture of mental health, work-family conflict, and international migration, with migration to Canada as the primary example. A common thread in her research investigates how mental health status, and trajectories, and evolving work-family conflict, among immigrants, are modified by macro-level (e.g., economic development of countries of origin of immigrants) and micro-level factors (e.g., gender, age at immigration, and visible-minority status). More recently, her research examines the impact of job demands (e.g., commuting distance, and overnight work-travel) on work-family conflict and mental health in the general population. She is a co-principal investigator for a NSF RAPID grant that uses mixed methods (surveys and interviews) to assess how work, family, and health among dual-income couples have changed within the context of COVID-19. Her work appears in such journals as the Journal of Health and Social Behavior, Society and Mental Health, Social Science Research, and Social currents.


Ph.D. University of Toronto, Toronto, 2012

Awards and grants


Agency: NSF
Title: RAPID: Work, Family, and Social Well-being among Couples in the Context of COVID-19.
Role: Co-PI (PI: K. Brumley; Co-PI: B. Baltes, K. Maguire)
Dates: 2020-2021
Total Funds: $191,000

Agency: Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
Title: The Intergenerational Transmission of Gender Egalitarian Family Environments: A Follow up Study
Role: Co-Investigator (PI: Blair Wheaton, University of Toronto)
Dates: 2014-2020
Total Funds: C$242,697


Career Development Chair Award. 2023.

Humanities Center Fellowship. 2022. “Fear in the time of Covid-19: The Effect of the Pandemic on the Mental Health of Employed Adults in the U.S.”

Humanities Center Fellowship (with Krista Brumley). 2017. “21st Century Technological Revolution and its discontents: Work-Family Conflict in Long Distance and Proximal Relationships.”

Award for Best Dissertation, American Sociological Association, Section on the Sociology of Mental Health, 2013

Selected publications

2024. Montazer, Shirin, Laura Pineault, Krista M. Brumley, Katheryn Maguire, Boris Baltes. "Social Change in the Turbulent Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Impacts of Work-related Demands on Work-to-family Conflict, Mastery, and Psychological Distress" Society and Mental Health

2022. Montazer, Shirin. "Immigration, Homeownership, and Mental Health." Socius: Sociological Research for  Dynamic World.

2022. Montazer, Shirin, Krista M. Brumley, Laura Pineault, Katheryn Maguire, Boris Baltes. "COVID-19 Onset, Parental Status, and Psychological Distress among Full-time Employed Heterosexual Adults in Dual-earning Relationships: The Explanatory Role of Work-family Conflict and Guilt" Society and Mental Health

2020. Montazer, Shirin and Marisa Young. “Commuting Distance and Work-to-Family Conflict: The Moderating Role of Residential Attributes." Social Currents 7:231-251.

2019. Montazer, Shirin. “Immigration, Visible-minority status, Gender, and Depression.” Society and Mental Health 10:218-236. 

2018. Montazer, Shirin. "Disentangling the Effects of Primary and Secondary International Migration on Psychological Distress: The role of Mastery.” Canadian Journal of Public Health 109: 284-293

2017. Montazer, Shirin and Marisa Young. “Level of Economic Development of the Country of Origin and Work-to- Family Conflict after Migration to CanadaSocial Science Research 63:263-276

2017. Montazer, Shirin and Blair Wheaton. "Economic Conditions in Countries of Origin and Trajectories in Distress after Migration to Canada: Results from the National Population Health Survey." Society and Mental Health 7: 1-20.

2011. Montazer, Shirin and Blair Wheaton. 2011. "The Impact of Generation and Country of Origin on the Mental Health of Children of Immigrants" Journal of Health and Social Behavior 52: 23-42.


Courses taught by Shirin Montazer

Fall Term 2025 (future)

Winter Term 2025 (current)

Fall Term 2024

Winter Term 2024

Fall Term 2023

Winter Term 2023