Asra Akhlaq
Research interest(s)/area of expertise
Investigating the role of diet and insulin signaling on fertility in C. elegans
- B.S in Biological Sciences and Psychology - Eastern Michigan University (2018)
- Ph.D in Biological Sciences, Cellular Developmental Neurobiology Division - Wayne State University (in progress)
Recent scholarship
Shashwat Mishra, Mohamed Dabaja, Asra Akhlaq, Bianca Pereira, Kelsey Marbach, Mediha Rovcanin, Rashmi Chandra, Antonio Caballero, Diana Fernandes de Abreu, QueeLim Ch'ng, Joy Alcedo (2023) Specific sensory neurons and insulin-like peptides modulate food type- dependent oogenesis and fertilization in Caenorhabditis elegans eLife 12:e83224