John Bratton
John F. Bratton, Ph.D., is a senior scientist at LimnoTech with broad expertise in earth and environmental science, including successful leadership of projects involving large ecosystem monitoring and restoration with a nutrient reduction focus, remedial investigations for contaminated sites, and litigation support. He has worked as a consultant, researcher, educator, and science manager for over 30 years, especially in the Northeast, Great Lakes and Pacific regions, and has contributed to over 150 widely-cited scientific publications and research presentations. His publications cover groundwater-surface water interaction and contami-nant transformations, coastal and glacial geology, freshwater and ocean sediment biogeochemistry, environmental history on decade to century scales, and environmental law and policy.
Research interest(s)/area of expertise
Environmental monitoring, sediment biogeochemistry, shallow groundwater flow, coastal and glacial geology, environmental history, environmental law
- Ph.D., Geology, University of California at Berkeley, 1997
- Sc.B., Geology-Chemistry, Brown University, 1987
Selected publications
- Klump, J. Val, John Bratton, et al., 2018, Green Bay, Lake Michigan: A proving ground for Great Lakes restoration, J. Great Lakes Research, 44:825-828
- Wang, J., Kessler, J., Bai, X., …, Bratton, J., et al., 2018, Decadal variability of Great Lakes ice cover in response to AMO and PDO, 1973-2017, Journal of Climate, 31:7249-7268
- Szymczycha, B., Kroeger, K.D., Crusius, J., and Bratton, J.F., 2017, Depth of the vadose zone controls aquifer biogeo-chemical conditions and extent ofanthropogenic nitrogen removal, Water Research, 123:794-801
- Verhamme, E.M. T.M. Redder, D. Schlea, J. Grush, J.F. Bratton, J.V. DePinto, 2016, Development of the Western Lake Erie Ecosystem Model (WLEEM): Application to connect phosphorus loads to cyanobacteria biomass, Jour. of Great Lakes Research, 42(6):1193–1205
- Bratton, J.F., 2016, Algal bloom researchers adjust to demand for data, Great Lakes Connection, International Joint Commission (online)
- Gronewold, A.D., E.J. Anderson, B. Lofgren, … J. Bratton, 2015, Impacts of extreme 2013–2014 winter conditions on Lake Michigan's fall heat content, surface temperature, and evaporation, Geophys. Research Letters, 42:3364-3370
- Baskaran, M., and J.F. Bratton, 2013, Investigating human-induced changes of elemental cycles in the Great Lakes, Eos, 94(28):248
- Bratton, John F., 2010, The three scales of submarine groundwater flow and discharge across passive continental margins, Jour. of Geology, 118:565-575
- Bratton, J.F., Böhlke, J.K., Krantz, D.E., and Tobias, C.R., 2009, Flow and geochemistry of groundwater beneath a back-barrier lagoon: The subterranean estuary at Chincoteague Bay, Maryland, USA, Marine Chemistry, 113:78-92
- Bratton, J.F., 2007, The importance of shallow confining units to submarine groundwater flow, Int’l Assoc. of Hydrol. Sciences Publication 312, p. 28-36
- Bratton, J.F., et al., 2003, Eutrophication and carbon sources in Chesapeake Bay over the last 2700 years: Human impacts in context, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 67(18):3385-3402
- Bratton, J.F., S.M. Colman, E.R. Thieler, and R.R. Seal, II, 2002, Birth of the modern Chesapeake Bay estuary 7,400 to 8,200 years ago and implications for global sea-level rise, Geo-Marine Letters, 22:188-197