Stanislav Groysman
313-577-8822 (fax)
123 Chemistry Research Bldg.
Stanislav Groysman
Research interest(s)/area of expertise
Synthetic inorganic and organometallic chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, ligand design, catalysis, small molecule activation.
We are a synthetic inorganic group with research interests in the areas of organometallic chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry and catalysis. Our projects are focused on group-transfer chemistry and activation of small molecules of relevance to the fields of energy and the environment. Our research involves ligand design, coordination chemistry with transition and main-group elements and reactivity studies.
Our current projects involve nitrene/carbene transfer chemistry at 3d metals in bis(alkoxide) ligand environments and design of homobimetallics bearing redox-active ligands for the cooperative activation of small molecules. Some of the highlights of first project involve reductive coupling of alkyl azides mediated by an iron(II), catalysis of nitrene coupling at iron and chromium platforms and isolation and characterization of the first high-valent cobalt carbene complex.
Highlights of the second project include synthesis of new open-chain and macrocyclic denucleating ligands and their homobimetallic complexes, characterization of bis(heteroallene) complexes and cooperative bimetallic C-C bond forming catalysis. For more details, see our group webpage containing further research description and the full list of publications.
- B.Sc. in Tel Aviv University, Israel, 2000
- Ph.D. in Tel Aviv University, Israel, 2006
- Postdoctoral Associate, Harvard University, 2006-2009
- Postdoctoral Fellow, MIT, 2009-2011
Recent scholarship
- Reed, B. R.; Yousif, M.; Lord, R. L.; McKinnon, M.; Rochford, J.; Groysman, S. Coordination Chemistry and Reactivity of Bis(aldimino)pyridine Nickel Complexes in Four Different Oxidation States. Organometallics 2017, 36, 582-593
- Hollingsworth, R. L.; Bheemaraju, A.; Lenca, N.; Lord, R. L.; Groysman, S. Divergent reactivity of a new dinuclear xanthene-bridged bis(iminopyridine) di-nickel complex with alkynes. Dalton Trans. 2017, DOI: 10.1039/C6DT04532D. (Invited contribution to the special Issue: Multimetallic complexes - synthesis and applications)
- Bellow, J. A.; Stoian, S. A.; Van Tol, J.; Ozarowski, A.; Lord, R. L.; Groysman, S. Synthesis and Characterization of a Stable High-Valent Cobalt Carbene Complex. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2016, 138, 5531-5534
- Yousif, M.; Cabelof, A. C.; Lord, R. L.; Groysman, S. Synthesis of a Mononuclear, Non-Square-Planar Chromium(II) Bis(alkoxide) Complex and its Reactivity Toward Organic Carbonyls and CO2. Dalton Trans. 2016, 45, 9794-9804. (Invited contribution to the special issue - New Talent Americas)
- Yousif, M.; Tjapkes, D. J.; Lord, R. L.; Groysman, S. Catalytic Formation of Asymmetric Carbodiimides at Mononuclear Chromium(II)/(IV) Bis(alkoxide) Complexes. Organometallics 2015, 34, 5119-5128
- Reed, B. R..; Stoian, S. A.; Lord, R. L.; Groysman S. The Aldimine Effect in Bis(imino)Pyridine Complexes: Non-Planar Nickel(I) Complexes of a Bis(aldimino)pyridine Ligand. Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 6496-6499