Lisa Koshko

Lisa Koshko


 Biological Sciences

Lisa Koshko


 Pollution exposures during pregnancy and offspring health outcomes.

Awards and grants

 CBI scholar (2021-2023)

Selected publications

 Koshko L, Scofield S, Lucas Debarba, Lukas Stilgenbauer, Patrick Fakhoury, Hashan Jayarathne, J. Eduardo Perez-Mojica, Ellen Griggs, Adelheid Lempradl, Sadagurski M. Prenatal benzene exposure alters offspring hypothalamic development predisposing to metabolic disease later in life. Chemosphere. (2023).

Koshko L, Scofield S, Mor G, Sadagurski M. Prenatal Pollutant Exposures and Hypothalamic Development: Early Life Disruption of Metabolic Programming. Frontiers in Endocrinology, (2022).

Koshko L, Debarba LK, Sacla M, de Lima JBM, Didyuk O, Fakhoury P, and Sadagurski M. In Utero Maternal Benzene Exposure Predisposes to the Metabolic Imbalance in the Offspring. Toxicological Sciences, (2021).

Courses taught by Lisa Koshko

Winter Term 2024

Fall Term 2023