Dr. Abdulqadir Abdulkarim

Dr. Abdulqadir Abdulkarim

Adjunct Professor



906 West Warren
Detroit, MI 48201

Curriculum vitae

Dr. Abdulqadir Abdulkarim

Academic Achievement

Abdulqadir A. Abdulkarim (Ph.D., University of Glasgow, The United Kingdom) is a professor of Applied Linguistics and Foreign Language Acquisition.
Abdulkarim has a lengthy, illustrious career, research, teaching, and publications history. He has taught at several outstanding universities, such as Wayne State University (WSU), University of Michigan-Dearborn (UMD), and Henry Ford College (HFC) in the US and abroad. He has also taught undergraduate and supervised postgraduate studies in Iraq, Jordan, and Oman for over forty-five years.
Abdulkarim's roles and missions center on teaching, learning, and student success. Understanding students' academic and nonacademic experiences is crucial to his teaching philosophy.
Throughout these academic years, Professor Abdulkarim has been a true force of nature. He has diverse talents and a prodigious and impressive characteristic of a prolific, innovative, enthusiastic Linguist. He collaborates efficiently with his students and academic staff, serving as a true inspiration and influential personality.
Abdulkarim is a well-organized and focused professor who continuously teaches and develops best practices and new methods of processes and procedures to manage routine activities efficiently and effectively.
Several global publishers, such as Pearson, Routledge, London, New York, and others, published his thirty-one essential books in Applied Linguistics, Arabic as a Foreign Language(AFL), Arabic for Specific Purposes (ASP), Arabic Heritage, and poetry. Other publications included Rhetoric, Stylistics, Morphophonology, Phonetics, Semantics, Syntax, Lexicography, Prosody, and Politics. These works are well-thought-out and valuable resources, notably designed as university-teaching textbooks that have been primary references and textbooks
in Middle Eastern, America, Britain, and other global universities, colleges, and institutions for years. They have been well-received and significantly impacted learning and teaching applied linguistics and Arabic as a Foreign Language.
Abdulkarim is a prominent poet. His two integral poetical published works, "The Songs of the Seven Voyages" and "The Throne and Deluge," raise multiple issues relating to imagery, myth, emotion, and other pertinent matters. In addition, he is considered an eminent poet for his vast participation in the communities and organizations' sentimental, traditional, emotional, and cultural events and festivals.
Abdulkarim has been awarded Certificates of Recognition, Letters of Appreciation, Trophies, and Plaques from various Academic Senates, Ministers of higher education, Presidents of universities, General Directors and Deans of colleges, Governors, conference bodies, scientific committees, and others for his outstanding academic, cultural, and social performances.
Abdulkarim was nominated for The Wayne State University President's Award for Excellence in Teaching (PAET) 2024 by the Department of Classical and Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures (CMLLC), College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Faculty Academic Members, Coordinator, and Students. This nomination is based on Abdulkarim's comprehensive knowledge of Applied Linguistics and second language acquisition, superior classroom performance, high educational standards, innovative instructional practices, contributions, and impact on teaching at Wayne State University.
Abdulkarim is a member of the American Translators Association (ATA), the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), and the International Union of Universities (IUU).
Contact: eg9225@wayne.edu

Research interest(s)/area of expertise

  • Arabic Applied Linguistics
  • Second language acquisition


A three-book series designed to introduce Arabic to the American university students meeting Arabic for the first time or who have had just a few encounters with Arabic, but intend to go further with their studies. This series sketches out what is proper and improper to native Arabic speakers. Strategy and techniques create windows of opportunity for learners to excel and solve several problems often encountered when acquiring Arabic. The series lends itself readily to home teaching. Each volume uses Modern Standard Arabic, which is the common form of communication throughout the Arabic-speaking world, and fulfills program requirements for undergraduate study of Arabic. The series is predominantly intended to be a pedagogical work in the classroom and a reference tool for users to present Arabic as a system and means of communication.



Ph.D., Glasgow University, UK, 1978

Other qualifications directly relevant to courses taught

 Please  Cf. CV

Incremental coursework

 Please Cf. CV

Citation index

 Please Cf. CV

Courses taught by Dr. Abdulqadir Abdulkarim

Winter Term 2025 (current)

Fall Term 2024

Winter Term 2024

Fall Term 2023

Winter Term 2023