Andrei Borisov
Recent scholarship
Invited chapters
- Borisov AB, McCusker K, McIntyre D, Peduzzi-Nelson JD (2024). Cardiovascular Diseases and Mitochondrial Transplantation: Basic and Preclinical Studies and Transitions to Clinical Applications. In: Mitochondrial Transplantation and Transfer. Kubat G.B. et al. Editors. Elsevier - Academic Press, New York-London. In press
- Borisov AB (2011) Methods of Stem Cell Lineage Analysis in situ and in Cell Culture. In: Handbook of Molecular and Cellular Methods in Biology and Medicine. 3rd Edition. Eds. PB Kaufman, et al. Taylor & Francis-CRC Press, pp. 579-592
- Bonkowski D, Katyshev V, Balabanov RD, Borisov A, Dore-Duffy P (2011). The CNS microvascular pericyte: pericyte-astrocyte crosstalk in the regulation of tissue survival. Fluids Barriers CNS, 8: 81-97
- Borisov AB (1998) Cellular Mechanisms of Myocardial Regeneration. In: Cellular and Molecular Basis of Regeneration: From Invertebrates to Humans. John Wiley & Sons, London-New York. Eds. Ferretti, P. and Geraudie, J., pp. 335-353
- Borisov AB, Rumyantsev PP (1991). Atrial Myocytes: Myoendocrine Cells Possessing an Enhanced Ability to Re-enter the Mitotic Cycle in vitro and in vivo. In: The Development and Regenerative Potential of Cardiac Muscle. Harwood Academic Publishers. New York. Eds.: J.O. Oberpriller, J.C. Oberpriller and A. Mauro, pp. 115-137
Selecte peer-reviewed publications
- Kronner JM, Folbe A, Meythaler J, Nelson JO, Borisov AB, Peduzzi JD (2022). Intranasally applied neural progenitor cells migrate to damaged brain regions. Future Sci, 8: FSO-806-15
- Teis KR, Frolova V, Romero R, Borisov AB, Winters AD, Galaz J, Gomez-Lopez N (2021). Sneathia: an emerging pathogen in female reproductive disease and adverse perinatal outcomes. Crit. Rev. Microbiol. 47: 517-542
- Borisov AB, Martynova MG, Russell MW. (2008) Early incorporation of obscurin into nascent sarcomeres: Implication for myofibril assembly during cardiac myogenesis. Histochemistry and Cell Biology 129 (4): 463-478
- Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos A, Catino DH, Strong JC, Sutter S, Borisov AB, Pumplin DW, Russell MW, Bloch RJ (2006) Obscurin modulates the assembly and organization of sarcomeres and the sarcoplasmic reticulum. FASEB Journal 20: 2102-2111
- Geisler SB, Robinson D, Hauringa M, Raeker MO, Borisov AB, Westfall MV, Russell MW (2007) Obscurin-like 1, OBSL1, is a novel cytoskeletal protein related to obscurin. Genomics 89: 521-531
- Borisov AB, Sutter SB, Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos A, Bloch RJ, Westfall MV, Russell MW. (2006) Essential role of obscurin in cardiac myofibrillogenesis and hypertrophic response: evidence from short interfering RNA-mediated gene silencing. Histochemistry and Cell Biology 125: 227-238
- Stefanelli CB, Rosenthal A, Borisov AB, Ensing GJ, Russell MW. Novel troponin T mutation in familial dilated cardiomyopathy with gender-dependent severity. (2004). Mol Genet Metab. 83:188-196
- Sutter SB, Raeker MO, Borisov AB, Russell MW (2004) Orthologous relationship of obscurin and Unc-89: phylogeny of a novel family of tandem myosin light chain kinases. Development, Genes and Evolution 214: 352-359
- Borisov AB, Kontrogianni-Konstantopoulos A, Bloch RJ, Westfall MV, Russell MW. (2004) Dynamics of obscurin localization during differentiation and remodeling of cardiac muscle cells: obscurin as an integrator of myofibrillar structure. Journal of Cytochemistry and Histochemistry 52: 1117-1127
Other qualifications directly relevant to courses taught
Classes taught in previous years
- Wayne State University School of Medicine:
- M2 (Year 2) PBL, Problem-Based Learning: Renal & Urinary Tract Pathology, Reproductive System, Central Nervous System; M1 (Year 1) PBL, Problem-Based Learning: Renal & Urinary Tracr Pathology, Gastrointestinal System, Cardiology, Endocrinology & Reproductive System, Human Anatomy Lab with dissection – class for 1st year medical students
- University of Michigan Medical School:
- Developmental Biology & Organogenesis (Lectures on Development of the Heart and Cardiovascular System, Histology for 1st year students at School of Dentistry, Gross Anatomy Lab for 1st year medical students
- WSU Department of Biological Sciences:
- BIO5640 Cancer Biology, BIO4630 Histology, BIO4010 Comparative Physiology, BIO 4340 Regenerative Biology & Medicine
- WSU Department of Biomedical Engineering:
- BME5070 Anatomy for Engineers; BME5430 Microscopic Analysis: Methods & Instrumentation, BME BME5220 Cellular & Tissue Biomechanics. BME5360 Histology & Embryology as Foundations of Tissue Engineering, BME5995 Molecular Imaging, BME4010 Engineering Physiology Laboratory, BME2010 Introduction to Physiology for Engineers, BME2070 Introduction to Anatomy for Engineers, BME4910 Biomedical Engineering Capstone Design (Project mentor), BME391o Biomedical Engineering Design (Project mentor), BME 2910 Biomedical Engineering Design (Gest lecturer)