Gi Hong
Seoul National University, Korea. B.S. Oceanography | Seoul National University, Korea. M.S. Oceanography | University of Alaska, Fairbanks, USA. Ph.D. Chemical OceanographyAwards and grants
2006-present. Listed in Marquis Who’s Who in the world. New Providence NJ, USA
2003-2007. Listed in International Scientist of the Year, International Biographical Center, Cambridge, UK
2008. Listed in Top 100 Scientists. International Biographical Center, Cambridge, UK
2008. Invited to be listed in the Great Minds of the 21st Century. American Biographical Institute 18
2011 National Assembly Environment Forum Award
2015 Elsevier Reviewer Recognition
Selected publications
[165] Aramaki T, Tanaka SS, Kushibashi S, Kim YI, Kim CJ, Hong GH, Senjyu T. 2013. Spatial distribution of radiocarbon in the southwestern Japan/East Sea immediately after bottom water renewal. Jull AJT and Hatte C (ed.). Proceedings of the 21st International Radiocarbon Conference, Radiocarbon 55, 1675-1682.
[166] Kim K, Hong GH. 2013. Case studies on the beneficial use of contaminated dredged material. Journal of Korean Environmental Dredging Society 3, 24-30 (In Korean).
[167] Yang DB, Hong GH, Choi JY, Kim K. 2013. Comparative analysis on the contaminated sediment risk assessment models. Journal of Korean Environmental Dredging Society 3, 31-38 (In Korean).
[168] Hong GH. 2013. Legal status of dredged material at international treaties. Journal of Korean Environmental Dredging Society 3, 65-67 (In Korean).
[169] Choi JY, Hong GH, Ra K, Kim KT, Kim K, 2014. Magnetic characteristics of sediment grains contaminated with TBT and metals concurrently near a shipyard in Busan, Korea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 85, 679-685.
[170] Choi JY, Yang DB, Hong GH, Shin KH. 2014. Distribution and bioaccumulation of polyphenyls and organochlorine pesticides residues in sediments and Manila clams (Ruditapes philippinarium) from the mid-western coast of Korea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 85, 672-678.
[171] Hong GH, Lee YJ. 2015. Transitional measures to combine two global ocean dumping treaties into a single treaty. Marine Policy 55, 47-56.
[172] Woo KS, Ji H, Jo KN, Yi S, Cheng H, Edwards RL. Hong GH. 2015. Reconstruction of the Northeast Asian monsoon climate history for the past 400 years based on textural, carbon and oxygen isotope record of a stalagmite from Yongcheon lava tube cave, Jeju 15 Island, Korea. Quaternary International 384, 37-51.
[173] Cao L, Hong GH, Liu S. 2015. Metal elements in the bottom sediments of the Changjang Estuary and its adjacent continental shelf of the East China Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 95, 458-468
[174] Kim SH, Hong GH, Lee HM, Cho BE. 2017. 210Po in the marine biota of Korean coastal waters and the effective dose from seafood consumption. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 174, 30-37.