Thomas Wilk
Research Assistant
Ph.D. Student in Economics
Faculty/Administration Building (FAB) 2142
Social media
Thomas Wilk
Research interest(s)/area of expertise
- Healthcare provider competition
- Marijuana and nicotine regulation
- Healthcare regulations
- Spatial econometrics
- Quasi-experimental designs
- Causal inference and machine learning
- B.B.A. in Finance at the University of Michigan, 2009
- B.A. in Economics at the University of Michigan, 2009
- M.A. in Economics at Wayne State University, 2021
News mentions
- Paying the Price: Health Care Inflation, Channel 7 News WXYZ, Keenan Smith Morning News with Thomas Wilk and Michael Greiner, February 17, 2022
Recent scholarship
- Shooshan Danagoulian and Thomas Wilk "Locking Out Prevention: Dental Care in the Midst of a Pandemic" (2022). 31:9 1973-1992 Health Economics