Nicole Trujillo-Pagan
Associate Professor
2256 FAB (Sociology)
Sociology, Latina/o and Latin American Studies
Nicole Trujillo-Pagan
Nicole Trujillo-Pagan is a qualitative researcher who studies public policy, inequality and social mobility.
She can be contacted for interviews about:
- Latina/o/xs in Detroit and the United States (Hispanic Heritage Month)
- Race and Urban Space
Research interest(s)/area of expertise
Race and Ethnicity
Black Space, White Borders: Crossing in American Detroit
This book project explains how abstractions produce race and space. It uses Detroit as a case study, and draws on a variety of data, including interviews with Latina/o/x youth living in Southwest Detroit.
Ph.D. - Sociology (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor)Selected publications
Under contract. Black Space, White Borders: Crossing in American Detroit. NYU Press.
Trujillo-Pagán, Nicole. 2013. Modern Colonization by Medical Intervention: U.S. Medicine in Puerto Rico. Brill Academic Publishers.
Select Refereed Articles
Trujillo-Pagán, Nicole. 2020. “A State’s Right to Make Race through Local Policy: Hispanics, Immigrants and the Shifting Color Line,” Ethnic and Racial Studies.
Trujillo-Pagán, Nicole. 2019. “Marking Walls and Borders: Latina/o/x Youth, Graffiti and Competing Visions of Community Development,” International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 39, 11/12, pp. 975-994.
Trujillo-Pagán, Nicole. 2019. “Self-Deportation and Forced Choice as Discursive Maneuver: Force and “Voluntary” Migration,” Language, Discourse & Society.
Trujillo-Pagán, Nicole. 2018. "Crossed out by LatinX: Gender neutrality and genderblind sexism," Lat Stud.
Trujillo-Pagán, Nicole. 2018. “A Tale of Four Cities: The Boundaries of Blackness for Ethiopian Immigrants in Washington, D.C., Tel Aviv, Rome and Melbourne,” Social Identities.
Cumberbatch, Prudence and Trujillo-Pagán, Nicole. 2016. “Hashtag Activism and Why #BlackLivesMatter In (and To) the Classroom,” Radical Teacher, 106.
Trujillo-Pagán, Nicole. 2014. “Emphasizing the “Complex” in the “Immigration Industrial Complex,” Critical Sociology, 40, 1, pp. 29-46.
Public Presentations and Scholarship
New Books Network
Scholar-Activist Interviews at:
A great example of the production of the relation between race and space, including claims to belonging and authenticity:
"Who Gets to Be A Detroiter and Why Do We Care?"
on Detroit Today with Stephen Henderson
“No Shock or Awe about ‘Acting’ LatinX”
“Sobremesa” talk show, on Wayne State Student Radio (WAYN).