Thomas David Kohn
Associate Professor
Faculty Advisor for Classics
417 Manoogian Hall
906 West Warren
Detroit, MI 48201
Thomas David Kohn
Research interest(s)/area of expertise
- Roman poetry
- Ancient theatre, especially Roman tragedy
- Performance criticism
- Greek and Roman mythology
- Senecan drama
- Narrative interruption of oratio recta
- Ph.D., Classical Studies, University of Minnesota, 2001
- B.A., Cum Laude, English, with secondary education certification, Carleton College, 1990
Awards and grants
- Career Development Chair (2014/1025)
- Humanities Center Residency (Winter 2010)
- University Research Grant (Summer 2008)
Selected publications
- The Dramaturgy of Senecan Tragedy, 2013. University of Michigan Press
- “The Editio of Roman Tragedy,” 2015 in Brill’s Companion to Roman
- Tragedy, George W. M. Harrison, ed. Brill Publishing. 93-104
- “Aeneid 6.713-723: Who is Speaking?” Vergilius 44 (1998) 28-30
- “An Early Stage in Vergil’s Career.” Classical World 93.3 (2000) 267-74
- “The Tragedies of Ezekiel.” Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 43 (2002/3) 5-12
- “Who Wrote Seneca’s Plays?” Classical World 96.3 (2003) 271-80
- “Seneca’s Use of Four Speaking Actors.” Classical Journal 100.2 (2004/5) 163-75
- “The Wishes of Theseus.” Transactions of the American Philological Association 138.2 (2008) 379-92
- “Oratio Recta in Senecan Tragedy.” Prudentia 39.2 (2007) 51-76, published in 2010
- “Stage Directions in Parenthesis in Roman Epic.” Classical Quarterly 62.2 (2012) 766-784
- “Tartarus and the Curses of Percy Jackson (or Annabeth’s Adventures in the Underworld).” Amphora 12.1 (2015) 12-13
- “Combat Trauma in Seneca’s Troades.” 2017 in Troiane Classiche e Contemporanee, (edited volume of Spudasmata 173) Francesco Citti, Alessandro Iannucci and Antonio Ziosi, edd., 131-150
- “Four Jews and Their Rabbis Go Into a Theatre.” 2018 in Jews and Drama. Ancient Jewish Attitudes to, and Engagement with, Performance on the Stage and on the Page, special issue of the Journal of Ancient Judaism, Sandra Gambetti and Lutz Doering, edd
- “The Enigma of Julia Augusta.” Historia 71.4 (2022) 459-484
- “Oedipus of Seneca.” forthcoming in Encyclopedia of Roman Comedy and Tragedy, Joseph A Smith, ed. Wiley-Blackwell
- “Role Distribution in Stage Production” forthcoming in Encyclopedia of Roman Comedy and Tragedy, Joseph A Smith, ed. Wiley-Blackwell
Courses taught by Thomas David Kohn
Winter Term 2025 (current)
Fall Term 2024
Winter Term 2024
- CLA3825 - Survey of Latin Literature
- CLA5825 - Survey of Latin Literature
- LAT1020 - Elementary Latin II
Fall Term 2023
- CLA3999 - Further Studies in Mythology
- CLA6260 - Further Studies in Mythology
- LAT2010 - Intermediate Latin