Haiyong Liu
Director of the Linguistics Program, Coordinator of Chinese
313-577-9937 for Chinese, 313-577-7553 for Linguistics
471 Manoogian (for Chinese)
10303.4 5057 Woodward (for linguistics)
Classical and Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Linguistics Program
Haiyong Liu
Research interest(s)/area of expertise
- Chinese syntax
- Acquisition
- Pedagogy
- Chinese nominals
- Classifiers
- Subjunctive mood
- Adjectival intensifier
- Object omission
- Possession
- The animacy effects
- Pronouns
- Ph.D. in Linguistics, UCLA
- M.A. in Linguistics, Wayne State University
- B.A. in English literature and Linguistics, Peking University, P. R. China
Awards and grants
- Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes (CHCI)-Chiang ching-kuo Foundation (CCKF) Summer Institute in Chinese Studies and Global Studies, $50,000 (2018-2019) Space in Two Cities, With Yunshuang Zhang, Min Yu, Bo Shen, Yuning Wu, Yumin Sheng, Tam Perry, Sarah Swider. Website: s.wayne.edu/chinainstitute.
- Office of the Vice President for Research, Arts and Humantites Support, $10,830 (2017-2018) Object drop in Chinese, Wayne State University
- President’s Research Enhancement Program, Arts and Humanities, $10,000 (2014-2016) Encoding Counterfactuality in Chinese, Syntactically, Wayne State University
- Career Development Chair, $19,000 (2012-2014) Theoretical Linguistics and the Teaching of Chinese as a Second Language, Office of the President, Wayne State University
- Office of the Vice President for Research, Arts and Humanities Support, $12,707.75 (2022-2023) Animacy Effects in Mandarin Chinese, Wayne State University
Selected publications
- (2023) The Animacy Effects on Mandarin Grammar. The University of Georgia Working Papers in Linguistics. Jean Costa-Silva (Ed.) Vol. 6: 221-236
- (2022) What's the Opposite of Henduo 'many' in Mandarin Chinese. Asian Language and Linguistics Vol. 3:1 36-59
- (2019) Why Plurality of the Possessor Matters in Mandarin Chinese Inalienable Possession. Studies in Chinese Linguistics Vol. 40 2: 1-26
- (2019) The Adjectival Intensifier Hen in Mandarin Chinese. Macrolinguistics Vol. 7 1-10 56-67
- (2019) Encoding counterfactuality in Chinese, Morpho-Syntactically. International Journal of Chinese Linguistics 6:1 27-45
- (2017) 中英文的宾语省略比较 (A Comparison between the Object Drops of Mandarin Chinese and English) 《励耕语言学刊》 (Li Geng Linguistic Journal) Vol 27: 157-169
- (2016) 非言语信递在对外汉语课堂中的应用 (The Applications of Non-verbal Communication in a Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Classroom). 《汉语教学学刊》 (Journal of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language)第10辑 Vol. 10 162-177
- (2014) The Ba + Gei Structure and Word Order Change in Mandarin Chinese. Journal of Universal Language 15-2: 77-114
- (2014) 转换生成语法框架下的汉语正反问句的生成 (The Derivation of Mandarin A-not-A Questions in the Framework of Generative Grammar). 《语言学研究》 (Linguistic Research) 15: 42-59
- (2014) The Second Language Acquisition of Chinese Bare Nouns by English Speakers. In Advances in Chinese as a Second Language: Acquisition and Processing. N. Jiang (Ed.) 142-157. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
- (2013) Nonverbal Communication: implications in the Chinese L2 classroom. In Studies and Global Perspectives of Second Language Teaching and Learning. J. W. Schwieter (Ed.) 27-45. Information Age Publishing
- (2011) Expletive Negation in Mandarin Cha-Dian-Mei ‘miss-bit-not’ Structure. Journal of Chinese Linguistics 39:1 123-148
- (2010) With Bangxiong Cheng and Yanli Wei,现代汉语模糊小量的语用文化特征 (The Pragmatic and Cultural Property of Chinese Fuzzy Small Quantity). 《语言研究》 (Studies in Language and Linguistics) 30(3): 90-92
- (2009) The Acquisition of Mandarin Aspects and Modals: Evidence from the Acquisition of Negation. Language and Linguistics 10.1: 133–160
- (2008) Teaching Advanced Chinese Writing to Heritage Learners. ITL International Journal of Applied Linguistics 156: 169–178
- (2008) A Case Study of the Acquisition of Mandarin Classifiers. Language Research 44.2: 345-360
- (2007) The Perception of Chinese Null Subjects by English Speakers. Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association 42.2: 23-40
Courses taught by Haiyong Liu
Winter Term 2025 (current)
- ASN3995 - Special Topics in East Asian Studies
- CHI2000 - Chinese Phonetics
- HON4260 - Seminar in Foreign Culture
- LIN2000 - Chinese Phonetics
Fall Term 2024
- ASN3995 - Special Topics in East Asian Studies
- CHI2000 - Chinese Phonetics
- HON4260 - Seminar in Foreign Culture
- LIN2000 - Chinese Phonetics
Winter Term 2024
Fall Term 2023
- CHI1010 - Elementary Chinese I
- CHI5230 - Grammar of Chinese
- HON4260 - Seminar in Foreign Culture
- LIN5240 - Grammar of Chinese