Alexey Petrov
Physics Research, 358
Social media
Alexey Petrov
- Professor, Wayne State University, 2011-
- Associate Professor, Wayne State University, 2006-2011
- Assistant Professor, Wayne State University, 2001-2006
- Research Associate, Cornell University, 2000-2001
- Research Fellow, Johns Hopkins University, 1997-2000
Research interest(s)/area of expertise
Theoretical high energy particle physics
Ph.D. Physics, University of Massachusetts (Amherst)Awards and grants
Distinguished Graduate Faculty Award, 2021
President, WSU Academy of Scholars, 2020-21
Elected to WSU Academy of Scholars, 2018
Charles H. Gershenson Distinguished Faculty Fellowship, 2018
Fellow of the American Physical Society, 2015
Comenius Professorship, Siegen University (Germany), 2015-16
Intensity Frontier Fellowship (Fermilab), 2014-15
URA Visiting Scholar Award, 2014
Certificate of Reviewing Excellency (Physics Letters, Elsevier), 2012
WSU Board of Governors Faculty Recognition Award, 2010
Richard J Barber Faculty Award, 2016 & 2010
WSU Career Development Chair Award, 2008
WSU Outstanding Student Organization Advisor Award, 2007
WSU Academy of Scholars' Outstanding Junior Faculty Award, 2006
National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 2005
College of Science "Excellence in Teaching" Award, 2004
Frontier Science Golden Award (INFN, Italy), 2002
University Council Fellowship, St. Petersburg Tech University, 1990-1993
Recent scholarship
Books: Indirect Searches for New Physics, CRC Press, 2021
Effective Field Theories (with A. Blechman), World Scientific, 2016
Papers: available from here (InSPIRE) or here (Google Scholar)
Citation index
My h-index is 43 (inSPIRE) or 44 (Google Scholar)