Sean Gavin

Sean Gavin



Physics Building, Room 320
666 W Hancock, Detroit, MI 48201


Physics and Astronomy

Sean Gavin

Research interest(s)/area of expertise

Theoretical nuclear physics: quark gluon plasma, high energy nuclear collisions, quantum chromodynamics


  • B.Sc. in Physics, State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1980
  • M.Sc. in Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1981
  • Ph.D. in Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1987

Awards and grants

  • National Science Foundation PHY-1207687
  • 2010 President's Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2010
  • 2007 Career Development Chair, Wayne State University
  • 2006 Richard J. Barber Faculty Award, Department of Physics, Wayne State University
  • 2004 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE); Awarded June 2005 at the White House, Washington D.C.
  • County of Wayne, Michigan passed a resolution on August 4, 2005 honoring my accomplishments
  • 2004 NSF CAREER Award
  • 2002 College of Science Teaching Award
  • 1997 McMinn Distinguished Lectureship, Vanderbilt University

Selected publications

  • M. Cody, S. Gavin, B. Koch, M. Kocherovsky, Z., Mazloum, G. Moschelli, Complementary Two-Particle Correlation Observables for Relativistic Nuclear Collisions, Phys. Rev. C 107 (2023) 1, 014909.
  • S. Gavin, G. Moschelli, and C. Zin, ``Rapidity correlation structures in nuclear collisions,'' Phys. Rev. C 94, 024921 (2016)
  • S. Gavin and G. Moschelli, ``Fluctuation probes of early-time correlations in nuclear collisions,'' Phys. Rev. C 85, 014905 (2012)
  • S. Gavin and M. Abdel-Aziz, ``Measuring shear viscosity using transverse momentum correlations in relativistic nuclear collisions,'' Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 162302 (2006)
  • S. Gavin, L. McLerran and G. Moschelli, ``Long range correlations and the soft ridge in relativistic nuclear collisions,'' Phys. Rev. C 79, 051902 (2009)
  • S. Gavin, ``Traces of thermalization from $p_t$ fluctuations in nuclear collisions,'' Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 162301 (2004)
  • C. Pruneau, S. Gavin and S. Voloshin, ``Methods for the study of particle production fluctuations,'' Phys. Rev. C 66, 044904, (2002)
  • S. Gavin, A. Gocksch and R.D. Pisarski, ``How to make large domains of disoriented chiral condensate,'' Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 2143 (1994)
  • S. Gavin and R. Vogt, ``Charmonium suppression by comover scattering in Pb + Pb collisions,'' Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 1006 (1997)
  • S. Gavin, M. Gyulassy and A. Jackson,``Hadronic J/psi suppression In ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions,'' Phys. Lett. B 207, 257 (1988)
  • S. Gavin, "Transport coefficients In ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions,'' Nucl. Phys. A435 (1985) 826

Other qualifications directly relevant to courses taught

  • 2010 President's Award for Excellence in Teaching
  • 2002 College of Science Teaching Award

Citation index

Courses taught by Sean Gavin

Winter Term 2024

Fall Term 2023

Winter Term 2023

Fall Term 2022

Winter Term 2022