Cathy Jen

Cathy Jen



3135778616 (fax)

 3003 Science Hall

Curriculum vitae


Nutrition and Food Science

Cathy Jen

Research interest(s)/area of expertise

 Dietary factors in obesity and diabetes

Obesity prevention/intervention in adolescents

Obesity and chronic diseases in minority population



Awards and grants

08/31/2012 - 07/31/2014 $300,000
“Understanding the influence of n-3 PUFA on pro-inflammatory aspects of mercury”
Rosenpire, A. (PI), Jen, K-LC. Co-Investigator (5% effort)

9/28/2009-6/30/2014 $5,707,802
“Interventionist procedures for adherence to weight loss recommendations in black adolescents”
Jen, K-L. C and Naar-King, S. Co-Principal Investigators

Selected publications

120. Jen K-LC, Jamil H, Zhou K, Breejen K, Arnetz BB.  Sex differences and predictors of changes in body weight and noncommunicable diseases in a random, newly-arrived group of refugees followed for two years.  J Immigrant Minority Health, 2017, DOI 10.1007/s10903-017-0565-9.
121.  Yeh Y, Brogan K, Danford C, Jen K-LC. Effectiveness of nutrition intervention in a selected group of overweight and obese African American preschoolers. J Racial Ethnic Health Disparities, DOI: 10.1007/s40615-017-0399-0, 2017.
122. Hansen BC, Gografe S, Pritt S, Jen K-LC, McWhirter CA, Barman SM, Comuzzie A, Greene M, McNulty JA, Michele DE, Moaddab N, Nelson RJ, NorrisK, Uray KD, Banks R, Westlund KN, Yates BJ, Silverman J, Hansen KD, Redman B, Cate B.  Ensuring Due Process in the IACUC and Animal Welfare Setting: Considerations in Developing Noncompliance Policies and Procedures for Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees and Institutional Officials.  FASEB J. fj.20161250R. Published online August 15, 2017.
123. Campbell-Voytal K, Hartlieb KB, Cunningham PB, Jacques-Tiura AJ, Ellis DA, Jen K-LC, Naar-King S.  African American adolescent-caregiver interactions in a weight loss trial.  J Child Family Studies, 27:835-842, 2018.

Courses taught by Cathy Jen

Fall Term 2023