Thomas Trimble
Associate Professor of Teaching
10409.1 5057 Woodward
EnglishThomas Trimble
Associate Professor of Teaching Thomas Trimble earned his Bachelor of Arts in English and Political Science from Wayne State University in 1991. He received his Master of Arts in Political Science in 1994 from WSU and his PhD in English, with a specialization in Composition and Rhetoric, from WSU in 2011. In 2011, Professor Trimble was appointed senior lecturer (now called Associate Professor of Teaching) in the Wayne State English Department. Professor Trimble teaches courses in writing, including Basic Writing (ENG 1010), Introduction to College Writing (ENG 1020), Intermediate Composition (ENG 3010), Technical Writing I (ENG 3050), Technical Writing II (ENG 3060), and Community Writing (ENG 3020). His research interests include writing assessment, writing pedagogy, and community-based writing. His research has appeared in Community Literacy Journal, The Journal of Writing Assessment, Pedagogy, Composition Forum, and Communication and Medicine.
Research interest(s)/area of expertise
community-based writing instruction; writing pedagogy, writing assessment
Pruchnic, J., Barton, E., Primeau, S., Trimble, T., Varty, V., and Foster, T. (2021) Correlating What We Know: A Mixed Methods Study of Reflection and Writing in First-Year Writing Assessment. Composition Forum (47).
Pruchnic, J., Barton, E., Trimble, T., Primeau, S., Weiss, H., Varty, N. G, & Moore, T. F. (2021). The Effects of Student-Fashioning and Teacher-Pleasing in the Assessment of First Year Writing Reflective Essays. Journal of Writing Assessment, 14(1).
Barton, Ellen, Jeff Pruchnic, Ruth Boeder, Jared Grogan, Sarah Primeau, Joseph Torok, Tanina Foster, and Thomas Trimble. “Thin-Slice Methods and Contextualized Norming: Innovative Assessment Methodologies for Austere Times.” The Expanding Universe of Writing Studies: Higher Education Writing Research, edited by Kelly Blewett et al. (2021): 89-102.
Trimble, Thomas with Patricia Baldwin, Mansoor Mubeen, and Christine Lawson. “The 1967 Project.” Community Literacy Journal 14:2 (2020).
Trimble, Thomas and Adrienne Jankens. “Using Taxonomies of Metacognitive Behaviors to Analyze Student Reflection and Improve Teaching Practice.” Pedagogy 19:3 (2019): 433–454.
Pruchnic, J., Susak, C., Grogan, J., Primeau, S., Torok, J., Trimble, T., Foster, T., Barton, E. (2018). Slouching toward sustainability: Mixed methods in the direct assessment of student writing. Journal of Writing Assessment, 11: 1.
- B.A. (English and Political Science)-Wayne State University, 1991
- M.A. (Political Science)-Wayne State University, 1994
- Ph.D. (English)-Wayne State University, 2011
News mentions
Wayne State project on 1967 Detroit riot crossed generations
Selected publications
“Cathouse: The Cass Corridor’s Last Great Band.” Heaven was Detroit: From Jazz to Hip-Hop and Beyond. Ed. M.L. Liebler. Wayne State University Press, 2016.