Jennifer Townsend
313 577 2450
5057 Woodward, 10th floor
EnglishJennifer Townsend
Research interest(s)/area of expertise
The study of film as one of the 20th and now the 21st century’s most important and influential forms of artistic expression is my major area of teaching and research. Film is a living art, constantly changing, evolving and adapting in response to the needs and demands of a global audience. My teaching and research explore a variety of critical and theoretical approaches in order to examine and critique the social, political, economic, historical, cultural, artistic, and technical aspects of film. Introduction to Film and Documentary Film emphasize meaning-making and authorship/ownership in an age of social media and digital technologies while Science Fiction Film explores the often contentious relationship between human existence and technology, including SF film’s own history as the cinema of attractions and spectacle. Film History traces the means and mechanisms by which film has come to elicit powerful aesthetic and emotional experiences, provide insights into diverse cultures, and challenge established ways of thinking.
In teaching composition, the courses are designed to be responsive to the research and writing needs and interests of the students as well as their future discourse communities both professional and academic. The profound impact of social media and digital technologies on the art and practice of written and spoken communication genres is a key conceptual area of both teaching and research. Reflection, metacognition,and transference of skills are embedded into traditional writing and research assignments such as a research paper or PowerPoint presentation as well as the construction of digital genres such as social media, a web page or video game.
M.A. English, WSUAwards and grants
Rumble Fellowship, WSU
Excellence in Teaching, GTA, WSU
Excellence in Teaching, Adjunct Faculty, WSU
Other qualifications directly relevant to courses taught
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. Completed doctoral qualifying exams with Distinction with a concentration in American cultural studies and an additional concentration in film studies.