John Sase

John Sase




Curriculum vitae


Social media



John Sase


SASE Associates, LLC, Forensic Economic Consulting and Research, 1997 to Present:
400+ Individual Cases plus 10 Class Action Suits to date
Contract-Negotiation Consultant for Michigan Nurses Association, 2006 to Present:
9 hospital contracts to date
Comerica Bank. Outside director for private mutual funds, 1993 to 2002
Wilmington Trust/LaSalle Bank. Wealth Management, Tax-Matter Partner, 2003 to Present

Economics (undergrad and grad) at
Wayne State University, Department of Economics, Oakland University, and other institutions in Southeast Michigan

Focus: HOPE, Detroit, MI.
Head of Research, 1992 to 2002
Contractual Research through SASE Associates

American Economic Association
National Association of Forensic Economics
Who’s Who in Science and Engineering (Marquis)

Wayne State University, Ph.D., Economics (1992)
Concentrations in Industrial Organization and Urban Economics, minor in Finance
“The Development of Business Subcenters in Radial Monocentric Cities”, 1992,
doctoral dissertation
Department of Economics, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI 48202.
Notre Dame University, post-Masters work at the doctoral level (1982-1983)
University of Detroit, M.A., Economics (1982)
University of Detroit, MBA with electives in Accounting (1979)
Michigan State University, B.A., Justin Morrill Residential College, (field of concentration: Media Arts, 1972) plus Marygrove College, (equivalent of a 2nd B.A., Music, 1982-1986)
University of Detroit Jesuit High School (1968)

Published by Focus:HOPE with support from the Aspen Group and Mott Foundation:
Probit Analysis of Focus: HOPE’s MTI Program 1991 & 1992, 1994
Net Benefits of Focus: HOPE’s Machinist Training Program, 1996
Focus: HOPE, 1200 Oakman Blvd., Detroit, MI 48238

Detroit Journal of Economics and Law, 1997 to 1999. Editor and Contributing Writer

Oakland County/Detroit Legal News, Feb. 1999 – present: Monthly column of 1,500-3,000 words.

Urban Economic Anatomy: Upheaval & Change in Detroit (Kavish Media Group Economic Studies, 2009, ISBN 1-44951-011-6, 978-1-44951-011-4)

Curious Alignments: The Global Economy since 2500 BCE (Kavish Media Group Economic Series, 2009, ISBN: 1-44956-773-8, 978-1-44956-773-6)

Wall Street Greed: Financial Cries since 3500 BCE (DVD, SASE Associates, LLC, 2012)

Agglomerative Subcenters in Monocentric Cities: Urban Economic Modeling (SASE Associates, LLC, 2013, ISBN: 1-49106-116-2, 978-1-49106-116-9)

A Primer for Attorneys and Economists on Preparing Economic-Loss Determinations [Amazon Digital Services, Kindle Edition] (SASE Associates, LLC, 2014, ASIN: B00B2D6S4G)

Curious Alignments: The Global Economy Since 2500 BCE [Amazon Digital Services, Kindle Edition] (SASE Associates, LLC, 2014, ASIN: B0096FNM6O

Wall Street Greed: Financial Cries Since 3500 BCE [Amazon Digital Services, Kindle Edition] (SASE Associates, LLC, 2014, ASIN: B00AU8SWEI)

Treason and Espionage Trials in Detroit: The Odd and Curious Case Of Max Stephan [Amazon Digital Services, Kindle Edition] (SASE Associates, LLC, 2014, ASIN: B00EWU8TV6)

LIBOR: An Investigative Primer on the London Interbank Offered Rate [Amazon Digital Services, Kindle Edition] (SASE Associates, LLC, 2012, ASIN: B00ASEDVYK)

Copyrights to these and other intellectual properties owned by SASE Associates, LLC.


My primary research interests have remained within the field of Urban & Regional Economics with a focus on transportation and land use (real estate). After winning the Levin Award in Economics, I completed my dissertation on the topic of the development of agglomerative sub-centers in radial, monocentric cities under the direction of Dr. Allen A. Goodman, with committee support by Dr. Ralph Malcolm Braid, Dr. Robert Wassmer, and Dr. Robert Sinclair (Geography).

After earning my doctorate, I joined Focus: HOPE, a federally-funded non-profit institution in Detroit which at that time included 450 colleagues supported by an annual budget of $80 million. Through a series of grants, I developed and headed the research department and produced numerous studies for internal use and for circulation among the City of Detroit, the State of Michigan, and agencies of the U.S. Federal Government. These agencies included the Office of Management and Budget and the Departments of Defense, Education, and Commerce. In addition, my work-for-hire research contributed to the serving the needs of numerous foundations including Mott, Ford, and the Aspen Group. My work contributed directly to securing seven-figures in grants.

Over the past four decades, I have engaged in a number of entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial endeavors. In summary, I have a network within the institutional-trust banking sector and the legal community in Michigan—attorneys, consulting experts, and litigation support services. In addition, I have been involved with various non-profits in the visual and performing arts, commodity-based food supplement programs, and sustainable employment training programs. Many of my skills, knowledge, and abilities have been developed outside of academia in this series of endeavors. These endeavors have included the following:

SASE Associates, LLC
(Current fee schedule: $325.00 per hour, $400.00 per hour for depositions and testimonies)

Founded and developed SASE Associates Economic Consulting and Research. I began with assignments with senior vice presidents of the institutional-trust departments of the Comerica and LaSalle AMBRO. In 1997, I expanded into the practice of forensic and litigation economics, serving the defense and plaintiff legal communities throughout Michigan, with occasional assignments in Ohio, Missouri, Pennsylvania, and Washington, D.C. To date, I have served as lead economic expert in more than 430 individual cases as well as ten class action suits. In Gilford vs. Detroit Edison, a class action of 1,400 members, I was instrumental in moving the arbitration to a settlement of $45 million. Subsequently, I co-managed the determination of individual awards and disbursement funds to class members.

The consulting practice focuses upon the determination of economic losses for lawsuits involving business litigation, employment law, personal injury, and wrongful death. In addition, I consult on various business matters including intellectual property infringement, and employment issues. In the latter, I serve the Michigan Nurses Association in its contract negotiations with various hospitals in the state of Michigan.

Major research and consulting project include the Great Lakes Global Freight Gateway project ( ), other real interests, and for Economic Impact Studies.

SASE Project Studio
(Current fees, negotiable)
A subsidiary of SASE Associates responsible for producing selected media for litigation and educational purposes. Projects have included animated PowerPoint Presentations for courtroom and classroom use, short videos for YouTube (,, ), classroom use, and marketing/promotional purposes. Also, I have produced a feature-length economics documentary for wider distribution. In addition, SASE Studios serves as the production arm of book and e-book publishing, and audio-disc recordings under the names of SASE Associates, Kavish Media, and Freezer Theatre Records. SASE Associates, LLC holds copyrights of all intellectual property produced within this scope of activity.

Wilmington Trust (Previously with LaSalle AMBRO)
Wealth Management, Tax Matter Partner for an insurance investment fund.

Comerica Bank
Outside Director for a series of seven private-mutual funds with assets totaling $3.5 Billion at their peak. These were index funds that served the needs of a number of pension funds and similar institutional investors. The goal of these funds was to match the average return of the S&P 500. Funds downsized and then dissolved after the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act.

Focus: HOPE, (non-profit)
I created and headed the welfare-to-work research department at Focus:HOPE for ten years. At our peak, our staffing included three assistants and me. We worked through Kenneth Kudek, one of the four directors, in addition to directors Fr. William Cunningham and Eleanor Josiatis.

Though the product of our research was made available to the public, most of out output was directed towards the U.S. General Accounting Office and various agencies of the federal, state, and local governments. These included the Departments of Education, Commerce and Defense through the assistance and dedication of Senator Carl Levin and Congressman John Dingell, among others. We also focused are output toward administrators of the Mott, Ford, and Aspen (Rockefeller) Funds, and directly to other non-profit organizations engaged in sustainable-employment training throughout the nation. Instrumental in obtaining various public and private grants to support the annual budget of $80 million. Left when funding dried up in 2001.

Marygrove Realty Investment (absorbed into SASE Associates, LLC)
Real estate investment and refurbishment—residential rental properties in Northwest Detroit. Successor to the family real estate brokerage--Marygrove Realty.

Gleaners Community Food Bank (non-profit)
Upon earning my MBA, I developed the accounting and food-donation valuation systems for Gleaners Community Food Bank in Detroit under the direction of Br. Gene Gonya. The project began with moving the accounting and donation records out of shoeboxes (literally) to a system that was eventually integrated into the computerized network of the national food-bank system.

The more unique part of this assignment was to create a method for valuing a sundry of food donations from small, medium, and large corporations. Not only was this valuation was important to the donors in establishing their tax deductions, but also for measuring the food bank’s soft and in-kind matching funds. Also, I represented the organization at audits. Because of the multiplicity of funding sources that included the Archdiocese of Detroit, the Kresge Foundation, and the McGregor Fund, we were audited at least six times per year. After putting closure on my task, I left to finish a degree in Economics.

Dramatic Research Company of Detroit (non-profit)
Co-founded and presided over the Dramatic Research Company of Detroit, Inc. (Non-Profit)—a performing arts co-operative, aka The Freezer Theatre in the Wayne State University/Cass Corridor Neighborhood in Detroit. Through private funding, grants from the National, Michigan, and Detroit Councils of the Arts, and time donated by fifty to seventy-five participants, the co-op provided a storefront performance and workshop space--the Freezer Theatre--for the production and presentation of original plays, music, and poetry.

Musician Guild of East Lansing (non-profit)
Founding member and first president of a collective representing acoustic and semi-acoustic musicians performing at various local venues in the East Lansing area. Meeting space and support donated by Elderly Instruments Music Store. Returned to the Metro Detroit area in 1975.


(Current Wayne State University UPTF-salary: $7,272.00 per 4-credit course)
Over the past four decades, I have focused my teaching on courses in Economics and Quantitative Methods. I have served on the faculty of a number of universities and colleges in Michigan. These include Oakland University, the University of Detroit-Mercy, and Wayne State University. Beyond the core Macro/Microeconomic sequence and Survey of Economics, I have focused my teaching career on the areas of Urban & Regional Economics (40 cr.), Managerial Economics (87+ cr.), and Quantitative Management Methods (168+ cr.), and Money & Banking (36 cr.) Also, I have taught courses including Public Policy, Industrial Organization, Financial Economics, and the Economics of Law.

Total Career Minimum: 968 credits—equivalent of 242 4-credit courses—33 years full-time equivalency at 30 credits per year.

IV. Future Plans

Continue University teaching, contract-basis research, consulting and related professional endeavors for the remainder of my natural life (expectation, 84+ years, (CDC/NCHS, National Vital Statistics System).


Research interest(s)/area of expertise

  • Urban Economics

  • Polymath Studies

  • Music Economics

    Money & Banking

    Managerial Economics



Polymath Studies including Pythagorean, Vedic, Egyptian, Sassanian and other ancient cultures including their genetic genealogy, economies, culture, and global connectiveness.

Non-Profit organizations, and training for sustainable employment

Sufficient Affluence through Sustainable Economy

Economics of the decline of the Bavarian monarchy

Great Lakes Global Freight Gateway (SE Michigan through Halifax, NS)





B.A. MBA, M.A., Ph.D.

Awards and grants

CLAS Minigrant

Michigan Council for the Arts

Aspen Group

Mott Foundation

McGregor Foundation

Hudson-Weber Foundation

Kresge Foundation

Selected publications

Probit Analysis of Focus:HOPE's MTI Program

Net Benefits of Focus:HOPE's Machinist Training Program

Detroit Journal of Economics and Law (editor/publisher)

Detroit Legal News (column)

Urban Economic Anatomy: Upheaval & Change in Detroit

Curious Alignments: The Global Economy Since 2500 BCE

Wall Street Greed: Financial Crises Since 3500 BCE

A Primer for Attorneys and Economists on Preparing Economic-Loss Determinations

Treason and Espionage Trials in Detroit: The Odd Case of Max Stephan

LIBOR: An Investigative Primer on the London Interbank Offered Rate

Agglomerative Subcenter in Monocentric Cities

The Big Short: Read the Book/Watch the Film

Other qualifications directly relevant to courses taught

see bio

Courses taught by John Sase

Winter Term 2025 (current)

Winter Term 2023