Walter Fitz Herbert Edwards
Distinguished Service Professor
9201.2 Maccabees Building
Walter Fitz Herbert Edwards
Born in Guyana, South America, Dr. Edwards earned a B.A. in English at the University of Guyana. He continued his education in England, earning an M.A. in Linguistics in English Language Teaching at University of Lancaster, England and his Ph.D. in Language and Linguistics at University of York, England.
At Wayne State University Dr. Edwards teaches several courses in linguistics. His research interests and publications include Guyanese Creole studies, African American Vernacular English, the sociolinguistics of rap lyrics and language and culture. Dr. Edwards was formerly director of the linguistics program, assistant and associate dean of the Graduate School, assistant vice president, Academic Affairs, interim chair of the English department at WSU. As the Humanities Center director, Dr. Edwards manages all aspects of the center's work and chairs the advisory board.
Research interest(s)/area of expertise
- Caribbean Creole languages
- African American vernacular English
- Sociolinguistics
- Language vatiation and change
- Bachelor of Arts in English
- Master of Arts in English
- Ph.D. in English
Courses taught by Walter Fitz Herbert Edwards
Fall Term 2024
- HON4280 - General Honors Seminar
- ENG5700 - Introduction to Linguistic Theory
- ENG6720 - Topics in Language
- LIN5700 - Introduction to Linguistic Theory
- LIN6720 - Topics in Language
Winter Term 2024
- LIN5700 - Introduction to Linguistic Theory
- LIN5730 - English Grammar
- ENG5700 - Introduction to Linguistic Theory
- ENG5730 - English Grammar