George Galster
Clarence Hilberry Professor of Urban Affairs and Distinguished Professor, Emeritus
George Galster
Dr. Galster provides a wealth of experience in academic, governmental, non-profit, and for-profit circles, both in the U.S. and abroad. He has held positions at the Universities of: Harvard, Cal-Berkeley, North Carolina, Amsterdam, Delft, Glasgow, Mannheim, Western Sydney and The College of Wooster. He served as director of Housing Research at the Urban Institute in Washington, DC before coming to Wayne State University in 1996. Dr. Galster has been a consultant to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, U. S. Department of Justice, numerous municipalities, community organizations, civil rights groups, and organizations like the National Association of Realtors, American Bankers Association, and Fannie Mae. He has served on the Consumer Advisory Council of the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors, National Academy of Science review committees, and numerous other leadership positions in community service. Public officials in Australia, Canada, China, France, Scotland and the U.S. have sought his housing and urban policy consultations.
Research interest(s)/area of expertise
- Metropolitan housing markets
- Racial discrimination and segregation
- Neighborhood dynamics
- Residential reinvestment
- Community lending and insurance patterns
- Neighborhood effects and urban poverty
George Galster has published over 160 peer-reviewed articles and 35 book chapters on topics ranging from metropolitan housing markets, racial discrimination and segregation, neighborhood dynamics, residential reinvestment, community lending and insurance patterns, neighborhood effects, and urban poverty.
His nine authored, co-authored, and edited books include Homeowners and Neighborhood Reinvestment, 1987; The Maze of Urban Housing Markets, 1991; The Metropolis in Black and White, 1992; Reality and Research: Social Science and American Urban Policy since 1960, 1996; Why NOT in My Back Yard?: The Neighborhood Impacts of Assisted Housing, 2003; Life in Poverty Neighborhoods, 2005; Frontiers of Quantifying Neighborhood Effects, 2008; Driving Detroit: The Quest for Respect in the Motor City, 2012 and Making Our Neighborhoods, Making Our Selves, forthcoming 2019.
Ph.D. in Economics from M.I.T. with summa cum laude undergraduate degrees from Wittenberg and Case Western Reserve UniversitiesAwards and grants
Research grants
- 1975, 1980: Ohio Real Estate Research Foundation
- 1978, 1994-2004: 11 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (15)
- 1981/99, 2001/04/08: Ford Foundation (6)
- 1989-1992: Ohio Department of Mental Health
- 1990-1995: National Institute of Mental Health
- 1992: Social Science Research Council
- 1993: Rockefeller Foundation
- 1994-97, 1999-00: Fannie Mae Foundation (3)
- 1994: New York Clearing House Association
- 1995: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- 1997-98: Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
- 1998-99, 2012-13: Annie E. Casey Foundation
- 2001-03: U.S. Geological Survey (2)
- 2001/08/10: MacArthur Foundation (3)
- 2004: State of Michigan, Office of Financial and Insurance Services
- 2005-06: National Institute of Child & Human Development / NIH
- 2007-09: Kellogg Foundation
- 2010: Skillman Foundation
- 2011: Annie E. Casey Foundation
- 1966-70: Inducted into six national and campus undergraduate honorary societies
- 1967-68: Kelly Memorial Award for Intercollegiate Debating Excellence, Wittenberg
- 1969: Presidential Scholarship, Wittenberg University
- 1971: Finalist, Danforth Fellowship Competition
- 1971: Senior Prize for Outstanding Economics Student, Case Western Reserve
- 1971-74: NDEA Title IV Fellowship, MIT
- 1985: Luce Grant for Distinguished Scholarship, College of Wooster
- 1998: Floyd McKissick Distinguished Scholar, U. of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
- 1998: Inducted Fellow, Homer Hoyt Institute of Advanced Real Estate Studies
- 1998: Winner, “Best Analytical Paper” Award, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Conference, Pasadena (coauthored)
- 1999: Winner, “Best Community Development Action Research Paper”, Assoc. of Collegiate Schools of Planning Conference, Chicago (coauthored)
- 2003: Winner, “Best Paper” Award, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning/AESOP Conference, Leuven, Belgium (coauthored)
- 2003: Named to Who’s Who in Economics; a designation reserved for those cited most frequently in journal articles published 1990-2000
- 2004: Cited, “2nd-Most Publications among 844 ACSP Faculty 1998-“ by JPER
- 2005: Cited, “Most-Cited Article in Housing Studies Since 1997” by HS Editors
- 2005: Wibaut Fellowship for Distinguished Scholar, University of Amsterdam
- 2006: Community Economic Development Award for Outstanding Scholarship, Michigan State University
- 2007: Winner, “Best Paper of Year” Journal of the American Planning Association v. 72, 2006 (coauthored)
- 2008: Winner, “Article of the Year,” Jl. of Insurance Regulation (v. 24, 2006)
- 2009: Runner-up, “Best Paper”, European Network for Housing Research Conference, Prague (coauthored)
- 2010: Carnegie Centenary Distinguished Visiting Professorship, Scotland
- 2010: Honorable Mention, Chester Rapkin Award for the Best Article in JPER (coauthored)
- 2011: Invited participant, The American Assembly, "Reinventing America's Legacy Cities," Detroit, April
- 2012: Distinguished Faculty Fellowship, Wayne State University
- 2013: Penn Institute for Urban Research Scholar; University of Pennsylvania
- 2013: Utzon Memorial Lecture, U. New South Wales (AU)
- 2013: Halloran Trust Memorial Lecture, U. of Sydney (AU)
- 2014: “UAA Service Honor Roll” Award, Urban Affairs Association
- 2014: Winner, "Best Paper", 2013 Urban Affairs Assoc. Conf. (coauthored)
- 2015: Winner, "Best Paper", 2014 Urban Affairs Assoc. Conf. (coauthored)
- 2015: “Most Cited Author,” cumulative 25-yrs. of Housing Policy Debate, with three papers in top-25 most-cited (ranking #2, 8 and 24)
- 2016: “Contributions to Field of Urban Affairs” Award, Urban Affairs Association
Selected publications
- Galster, G.C. Driving Detroit: The Quest for Respect in the Motor City, Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012
- Galster, G.C. "Residential Segregation and Interracial Economic Disparities: A Simultaneous- Equations Approach," Journal of Urban Economics 21 (No. 1, 1987): 22-44
- Galster, G.C., & Killen, S.P. "The Geography of Metropolitan Opportunity: A Reconnaissance and Conceptual Framework," Housing Policy Debate 6 (No. 1, 1995): 7-44
- Galster, G.C., Quercia, R.G., & Cortes, A. “Identifying Neighborhood Thresholds: An Empirical Exploration,” Housing Policy Debate 11 (No. 3, 2000): 701-732
- Galster, G.C., Hanson, R., Ratcliffe, M.R., Wolman, H., Coleman, S., & Freihage, J. “Wrestling Sprawl to the Ground: Defining and Measuring an Elusive Concept,” Housing Policy Debate 12 (No. 4, 2001): 681-717
- Galster, G.C. “On the Nature of Neighborhood,” Urban Studies 38 (No. 12, 2001): 2111-2124
- Galster, G.C. “An Economic Efficiency Analysis of Deconcentrating Poverty Populations,” Journal of Housing Economics 11 (No. 4, 2002): 303-329
- Galster, G.C., Tatian, P., & Accordino, J. “Targeting Investments for Neighborhood Revitalization,” Journal of the American Planning Association 72 (no. 4, 2006): 457-474
- Galster, G.C., Andersson, R., Musterd, S., & Kauppinen, T.M. “Does Neighborhood Income Mix Affect Earnings of Adults? New Evidence from Sweden,” Journal of Urban Economics 63 (2008): 858-870
- Raleigh, E., & Galster, G.C. "Neighborhood Disinvestment, Abandonment and Crime Dynamics," Journal of Urban Affairs 37 (no. 4, 2015): 367-396
- Galster, G.C., Santiago, A.M., Lucero, J., & Cutsinger, J. “Adolescent Neighborhood Context and Young Adult Economic Outcomes for Low-Income African Americans and Latinos,” Journal of Economic Geography 16 (2016): 471-503
- Galster, G.C., & Sharkey, P. “Spatial Foundations of Inequality: An Empirical Overview and Conceptual Model,” RSF: The Russell Sage Journal of the Social Sciences 3 (no. 2, 2017): 1-34
- Galster, G.C. “Why Shrinking Cities are not Mirror Images of Growing Cities: A Research Agenda of Six Testable Propositions.” Urban Affairs Review (published online July 2017)