Michael Giordano

Michael Giordano

Professor Emeritus of French


313-577-6243 (fax)


469 Manoogian
Detroit, MI 48202

Curriculum vitae


Classical and Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Michael Giordano

  • Currently M.A. adviser, romance languages and literatures, CMLLC, WSU
  • Ph.D. advisor, modern languages (French, German, Spanish) CMLLC, WSU
  • Awards for Excellence in Teaching and Graduate Mentorship
  • Executive Committee Member from Wayne State University, The Center for Renaissance Studies, The Newberry Library, Chicago
  • International Advisory Board member, The Society for Emblem Studies

Research interest(s)/area of expertise

  • French renaissance and Baroque literature and culture
  • Lyric poetry
  • Emblematics and iconography
  • The Baroque Novel: Beroalde de Verville's Le Moyen de parvenir (1613?)
  • Contemporary French theory and criticism
  • Book in progress (to be completed, 2017): The French renaissance anatomical blasons and their roots in Classical Greek, Latin, Neo-Latin literature and Heraldry


  • 2010: "The Art of Meditation and the French Renaissance Love Lyric: The Poetics of Introspection in Maurice Sceve's "Delie, object de plus haulte vertu'"" (1543). Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010. 668 pp
  • Many articles on Maurice Sceve, emblematics, lyric poetry of the French renaissance
  • The "Blasons anatomiques du corps feminin" (1543) and their relation to the "Greek Anthology," Latin literature, Neo-Latin literature of the renaissance
  • The contemporary Renaissance relations between anatomical blasons, mannerism, nominalism, descriptive anatomy, and emblematics
  • Medieval heraldry, the heraldic shield and anatomical blasons


  • B.S. in French and Secondary Education, Seton Hall University, 1967
  • M.A. in French, University of Minnesota, Dep't Romance Languages, 1972
  • Ph.D. in French Renaissance and Baroque, Minor: Philosophy and Classics, University of Minnesota 1975

Awards and grants

The President's Enhancement Award for Research in the Humanities. Sponsored by the vice president for research, Wayne State University, 2012. $25,000. On the renaissance cultural correlates of anatomical blasons in art, descriptive anatomy, philosophy and Italian renaissance literature.

Recent scholarship

  • "The Emblem in Andrea Alciato and the impresa in Maurice Sceve," in The Sides of North, An anthology of critical essays in Honor of Yona Pinson. Ed. Tomar Choleman and Assaf Pinkus. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2015, pp. 42-55
  • "Bronzino's Art of Emblazoning: The Young Man with a book, Lucrezia Panchiatichi, Saint Bartholomew, and Laura Battifferi," in Agnolo Bronzino: The Muse of Florence, ed. Liana De Girolami Cheney. Washington, D.C.: New Academica Publishing, 2014, pp. 337-370
  • "Sexualite cosmique et apoocalypse du sujet amoureux dans le dizain 62." In Delie, objet de plus haulte vertuMaurice Sceve ou l'embleme de la perfection enchevetree. Concours de l'agregation du second degre" Section lettres modernes. Ed. Bruno Roger Vasselin. Serie XVIe siecle francais. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2012, pp. 261-277
  • Oxford E- Bibliographies in Renaissance and Reformation: Maurice Sceve, 2015. oxfordbibliographies.com, 60 pp
  • Book Review: Andre Alciat (1492-1550): Un humaniste au confluent des savoirs dans l'Europe de la Renaissance. Anne Rolet and Stephane Rolet, eds. Centre d'etudes superieurs de la Renaissance, Collection "Etudes Renaissantes." Turnhout: Brepols, 2013, 494 pp. In Renaissance Quarterly, Vol. LXIX, No. 3, Fall 2016, pp.1031-1032

Other qualifications directly relevant to courses taught

  • Dissertation Direction - "The Art of the Emblematic picturae in Guillaume de la Perriere's Theatre  des bons engins (1540) and Gilles Corrozet's Hecatomgraphie (1543). Student: Erin Mattusiewicz, ABD.
  • Advising duties and collateral activities such as administrative lectures and orientations allow for course reductions. These are:
    • Graduate adviser, M.A., romance languages (40 students)
    • Ph.D. adviser, modern languages (30 students)
    • Member of four dissertation committees (current)
    • Department Graduate Committee (current)

Citation index

Work cited, for example, in Year's Work in Modern Languages, Renaissance Quarterly, L'esprit Createur, Sixteenth-Century Journal, French Agregation Bibliography, lettresmodernes, 2013.