Chris Tysh
Associate Professor of Teaching
5057 Woodward Ave, Suite 10201.4
Chris Tysh
Poetry, translation, feminism, literary theory, world literature.
Maitrise (M.A.) Sorbonne, Paris, FranceAwards and grants
- National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship in Poetry, 2003
- Kresge Artists Fellowship, 2010
- Board of Governors Award, WSU, 2015
- The Murray E. Jackson University Creative Scholar in the Arts Award, 2015-2016
- The Josphine Nevins Keal Faculty Fellowship, WSU, 2017
Recent scholarship
- 26 Tears, BlazeVOX, 2020
- Hotel des Archives: A Trilogy. Station Hill Press, 2018
- Derrida's In/Voice. BlazeVOX, 2020