Boris Baltes
Senior Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs and Academic Personnel
Professor of Industrial/Organizational Psychology
313-577-7636 (fax)
Boris Baltes
Research interest(s)/area of expertise
My major research interests include the effects of stereotypes on workplace outcomes, biases in performance appraisal, age and workplace issues as well as work-family conflict/balance.
- Ph.D., I/O Psychology Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois, 1998
- M.B.A., University of Wisconsin - Madison, 1992
Awards and grants
Agency: NSF
- Title: Advance Partnership: STEM Intersectional Equity in Departments (SIEDS)
- Role: Co-PI (PI: Krista Brumley, Co-PI's: Sharon Lean, Matt
- Piszczek)
- Dates: October 2023 to October 2028
- Total funds: $1,200,000
Agency: NSF
- Title: Advance Adaption: Gender Equity Advances Retention in STEM at Wayne State University (WSU GEARS)
- Role: Lead PI (Co-PIs: Krista Brumley, Tamara Hendrickson, Lars Johnson, Keith Whitfield, Ece Yaprak, Kristina Eckert and Shirley Papuga)
- Dates: August 2020 - July 2023
- Total funds: $992,495
Agency: NSF
- Title: RAPID: Work, Family, and Social Well-Being among Couples in the Context of COVID-19
- Role: Co-PI (Co-PI: Krista Brumley, Shirin Montazer, and Kathryn Maguire)
- Dates: June 2020 - July 2021
- Total funds: $191,000
Agency: Alfred P. Sloan Center on Aging and Work
- Title: Age and Health as Moderators of the Influence of Time-Place Management Policies on Work Outcomes.
- Role: Co-PI (Co-PI: Cort Rudolph, FIU)
- Dates: January 2012 - January 2013
- Total funds: $5,000
Agency: NSF
- Title: Graduate Student Fellowship
- Role: PI (Student Supervisor)
- Dates: August 2011 - August 2014
- Total funds: $90,000
Agency: NIH
- Title: Improving Clinical System Communication to Increase Trial Offers to Cancer Patients
- Role: Co-investigator (PI: T. Albrecht)
- Dates: August 2009 – August 2011
- Total funds: $400,000
- Fellow of APA, Division 14
- Humboldt Research Fellowship, August 2004 – May 2005
- College of Science Teaching Award, 2002
- Wayne State University Outstanding Graduate Mentor Award, 2008
Selected publications
- Baltes, B.B., Rudolph, C., & Zacher, H. (Eds)., (2019). Work Across the Lifespan. Academic Press, Elsevier
Selected publications
Student authors in bold.
- Bramble, R., Duerk, E., Baltes, B. B., (2020). Finding the nuance in eldercare measurement: Latent profiles of eldercare characteristics. Journal of Business and Psychology, 35, 29-42
- Clark, M. A., Krenn, D., Early, B. J., & Baltes, B. B. (2019). Work-family behavioral role conflict scale: Scale development and validation. Journal of Business and Psychology, 34, 39-53. Paper received 2019 Editor Commendation from JBP
- Thrasher G., Zabel, K. L., Bramble, R., & Baltes, B. B. (2017). Who is aging successfully at work? A latent profile analysis of successful agers and their work motives. Work, Aging, and Retirement, 4, 175-188
- Zabel, K. L., Biermeier-Hanson, B., Baltes, B, B., Early, B.J., Shepard, A. (2017). Generational Differences in Work Ethic: Fact or Fiction? Journal of Business and Psychology, 32, 301-315
- Rudolph, C. W., & Baltes, B. B. (2017). Age and Health Jointly Moderate the Influence of Flexible Work Arrangements on Work Engagement: Evidence from Two Empirical Studies. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
- Thrasher, G., Zabel, K., Wynne, K., & Baltes, B. (2016). The Importance of Workplace Motives in Understanding Work-Family Issues for Older Workers. Work, Aging and Retirement, 2, 1-11
- Thrasher, G., Bramble, R., Baltes, B. B. (2016). Job Performance and Job Attitudes in Later Life: The Role of Motives. In R. Burke, C. Cooper & A. Antoniou (Eds.). The Aging Workforce: Individual, Organizational and Societal Challenges. Emerald Publishing. United Kingdom
- Thrasher, G., Zabel, K., Baltes, B. B. (2015). Resiliency at Work for Older Employees. In R. Burke, C. Cooper & A. Antoniou (Eds.). The Multigenerational Workforce: Challenges and Opportunities for Organizations. Edward Elgar, United Kingdom
- Baltes, B. B., Wynne, K.. T., Sirabian, M. A., Krenn, D. R., & de Lange, A. H. (2014). Future time perspective, regulatory focus, and selection, optimization, and compensation: Testing a longitudinal model. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 34, 1120-1133
- Rudolph, C. W., & Baltes, B. B., (2013). Mitigating the impact of stereotypes is more practical than holding people accountable for them. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 6, 423-429
- Nieminen, L.R.G., Rudolph, C.W., Baltes, B.B., Casper, C., Wynne, K.T., Kirby, L.C. (2013). The combined effects of contextual information and ratee bodyweight on performance judgments. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43, 527-543
- Rudolph, C. W, Baltes, B. B., Zhdanova, L. S., Clark, M. A., Bal, A. C. (2012) Testing the structured free recall intervention for reducing the impact of bodyweight-based stereotypes on performance ratings in immediate and delayed contexts, Journal of Business and Psychology, 27, 205-222
- Bal, A.B., Reiss, A.E.B., Rudolph, C.W., & Baltes, B.B. (2011). Examining positive and negative perceptions of older workers: A meta- analysis. The Journal of Gerontology: Series B - Psychological Sciences, 66B, 687-698
- Baltes, B. B., Zhdanova, L. S., Clark, M. A. (2011). Examining the relationships between personality, coping strategies, and work–family conflict. Journal of Business and Psychology, 4, 517-530
- Baltes, B. B., Bauer, C. B., & Frensch. P. (2007). Does a Structured Free Recall Intervention Reduce The Effect of Stereotypes on Performance Ratings and by What Cognitive Mechanism? Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 151-164
- Baltes, B. B., & Heydens-Gahir, H.A., (2003). Reduction of Work-Family Conflict Through the Use of Selection, Optimization, and Compensation Behaviors. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88, 1005-1018